Search Emission

Benefit Cost Analysis of Emission Standards for Coal-Based Thermal Power Plants in India- Events

CSTEP, with support from Shakti Foundation, released a report and organised a panel discussion on "Benefit Cost Analysis of Emission Standards for Coal-based Thermal Power Plants in India".

GHG Platform India: Emissions Workshop - Events

GHG Platform India, of which CSTEP is a collaborator, organised a workshop on national and sub-national emissions.

Webinar—Rooftop Solar: A Catalyst for Achieving Net-Zero Emissions- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) organised a webinar on 26 May 2021 to discuss the potential of  rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) systems in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in India.

Release of Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment Studies by Karnataka CM- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy has completed Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment studies for Bengaluru.

Benefit Cost Analysis of Emission Standards for Coal-based Thermal Power Plants in India - Projects

In December 2015, the MoEFCC notified emission standards for limiting Sulphur Oxides (SOx), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter of size <10 µm (PM10) and Mercury (Hg) emissions from coal-based Thermal Power Plants (TPPs).

Developing a Comprehensive Emission Inventory for Bengaluru- Projects

CAPS is developing an emissions inventory for Bengaluru by estimating the emissions load from different sectors contributing to air pollution and analysing the spatio-temporal distribution of the emissions load.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India- Projects

Key Objective: The main objective of this project is to develop an energy model as a visualisation and planning tool (Decision Support System) that will enable policymakers to create and test their strategies virtually.

A Multi-Model Assessment of Energy and Emissions for India's Transportation Sector through 2050- Publications

This paper compares frameworks and projections of energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter (PM2.

Time Series GHG Emission Estimates for Residential, Commercial, Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors in India- Publications

Time series greenhouse gas emission estimates were prepared for the residential, commercial, agriculture and fisheries sectors in India, for the time period of 2005 to 2014, to understand the historical emission changes in these sectors.

Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions by the Indian Mobile Telecom Industry- Publications

The Indian mobile telecom industry, one of the fastest growing sectors in India, had 5843 million subscribers in 2010-11 registering an annual growth rate of 4915%.

Benefit Cost Analysis of Emission Standards for Coal-based Thermal Power Plants in India- Publications

In December 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notified emission standards for limiting sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and mercury emissions in coal-based thermal power plants.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory& Mitigation Study for Karnataka- Publications

Adoption of energy efficient measures would result in reduced demand for energy and thus lower emissions.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India Part 2: Demand Estimation- Publications

This project aims to understand the synergies and trade-offs involved in facing the unenviable challenge of balancing their developmental goals and climate targets.

Recommendations to the Government on India's Official GHG Emission Estimation Process- Publications

To increase the reliability of India's national emissions inventory, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) must consider developing 'country-specific' emission factors using real- time measurements across all sectors.