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Andhra Pradesh Power Sector: A Roadmap Till 2040- Publications

Andhra Pradesh's (AP’s) gross state domestic product stood at INR 1,201,736 crore (USD 157.

Breathing in Bengaluru: Pedalling Towards a Healthier, Happier City- Publications

Bengaluru, India’s ‘Garden City’, is facing a growing dilemma.

Breathing in Bengaluru: Building a greener city with eMaaS- Publications

Bengaluru is witnessing alarmingly high pollution levels, with particulate matter (PM) levels reaching at least 5 times over the permissible limits by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Green Energy Open Access: Empowering Consumers With Clean Electricity - Publications

India’s commitment to reach net zero by 2070 and meet 50% of its cumulative installed capacity from non-fossil fuel energy resources is a significant milestone in its fight against climate change.

Agro-climatic zone-wise drought hazards in Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios- Publications

This study performed the spatio-temporal analysis of drought hazards across the agro-climatic zones (ACZs) of Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios.

A state of migration- Publications

Karnataka—the seventh most urbanised state in India—has witnessed significant urbanisation in recent decades.

eARTh: Poetry Studio- Events

The eARTh Climate Fellows explored the world of words and visual poetry with eARTh Climate Fellowship mentor and renowned poet Mamta Sagar.

ICAS 2024: The Participatory Future of Air Quality Management- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) announces its flagship event on air pollution India Clean Air Summit (ICAS) 2024.

On the National Clean Air Programme- Publications

When the Indian government launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019, it was to cut the concentration of atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM) by 20-30% by 2024, from 2017 levels.

Policy strategies to decarbonise the buildings sector- Publications

The Sustainable Alternative Futures for India (SAFARI) model (Kumar et al.

Could MSMEs provide a second chance for solar thermal technologies?- Publications

India’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) target has been updated to achieve 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.

A customised strategy can take Kerala’s power sector towards its net-zero goals- Publications

The progress towards India’s ambitious net-zero goals requires that all states contribute to it.

Systems thinking for doughnut cities- Publications

As a populous, dense, and developing country, India needs a comprehensive urbanisation strategy for the coming decades to control its greenhouse gas emissions trajectory.

Scope for deep decarbonisation in the MSME manufacturing sector- Publications

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) industries are still majorly dependent on fossil fuels for their energy requirements, making them particularly susceptible to increasing fuel prices.

Press Release: Scope for deep decarbonisation in the MSME manufacturing sector- Publications

Bengaluru, 28 June 2024: The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to 31% of India’s gross domestic product, almost 50% of exports, and 57% of all employment in manufacturing sectors, making them crucial to the economy.

Annual Report 2023-2024- Publications

Our Annual Report 2023–2024 highlights how CSTEP's innovative solutions are driving a change on the ground.