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OPINION: Is the RE+EV combination a recipe for Karnataka’s clean energy transition?- Publications

Renewable energy (RE) and electric vehicles (EVs) are currently the best bet for moving towards a sustainable future.

Rising Fossil Fuel Prices: A Good Time to Switch to EV Fleets?- Publications

India is one of the fastest-growing large economies in the post-Covid era.

How extending easy finance to the logistic industry can have a lion’s share in EV EVOLUTION?- Publications

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in India has grown significantly over the last few years.

Assessing the impact of integrating electric vehicles and solar rooftop photovoltaic system into the power distribution network- Publications

This paper presents our analysis of the impact of integrating electric vehicles (EVs) and rooftop photovoltaics (RTPVs) on power system distribution feeders at the 11 kV level.

Driving Green Mobility – RTPV Integrated EV Charging- Publications

Indian transport is massive and diverse in catering to the mobility needs of its 1.

Rooftop Solar Coalition: Round Table- Events

The uptake of rooftop solar technology has been slow in India though it is an important component in achieving our renewable energy targets.

Why There’s a Need to Look at Air Pollution Through the Climate Lens- Publications

Atleast 9 million people die annually from air pollution-related complications, according to a recent study by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health.

Can Active Mobility Revive the Garden City?- Publications

Vehicles contribute to around 68% of Bengaluru's particulate matter of 10 microns or less (PM10) emissions.

Opinion: A new beginning for hydrogen around the corner- Publications

Globally, as countries look for options to reduce emissions and achieve climate targets, hydrogen is emerging as the frontrunner for decarbonisation strategies.

How Storage Integrations Can Provide A Strategic Benefit in Large Scale Solar Projects and Create Synergy?- Publications

At the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, the Government of India revised its non-fossil energy targets for 2030 from 450 GW to 500 GW.

Why should the quality of rooftop solar systems not be compromised with lower costs?- Publications

India’s rooftop solar (RTS) sector has immense growth potential though it is underperforming currently with only 8 GW installed capacity as against the 40 GW target set for 2022.

OPINION: The rugged road to a cleaner grid- Publications

The Ministry of Power (MoP) recently came out with renewable purchase obligation (RPO) targets for up to 2030.

Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation- Publications

Extreme and unpredictable changes in the climate are a cause of serious concern globally.

Macroscopic Analysis of a Hydrogen Economy- Publications

India’s energy sector will face two key challenges in the future.

Techno-economic Modelling of Onshore Wind Power- Publications

India has the fourth largest installed capacity of wind energy in the world, with the addition of 41 GW as of June 2022.

Tackling technology transfer- Publications

Call for action on climate finance, international technology transfer, and capacity building is India’s central agenda at COP 27 and has been our focus at past COPs as well.