Search Climate

Let’s Do the Don’ts First- Publications

Year after year, the many days marked for environmental awareness push for concrete actions to protect our planet.

Giving Earth a Helping Hand- Publications

We are witnessing the first signs of the climate crisis.

The world attempts to bend a curve- Publications

We began ‘Climate On Our Mind’ on World Environment Day with the word Resilience.

Opinion: A new beginning for hydrogen around the corner- Publications

Globally, as countries look for options to reduce emissions and achieve climate targets, hydrogen is emerging as the frontrunner for decarbonisation strategies.

How Storage Integrations Can Provide A Strategic Benefit in Large Scale Solar Projects and Create Synergy?- Publications

At the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, the Government of India revised its non-fossil energy targets for 2030 from 450 GW to 500 GW.

Replacement Of Thermal Power With Renewables By 2025 Ambitious or Achievable?- Publications

The push for clean energy transition as an effective climate action strategy is intensifying.

OPINION: The rugged road to a cleaner grid- Publications

The Ministry of Power (MoP) recently came out with renewable purchase obligation (RPO) targets for up to 2030.

The ghost of the past comes back to haunt Bengaluru- Publications

What we are seeing in Bengaluru today is a mixture of events happening at two different levels.

Macroscopic Analysis of a Hydrogen Economy- Publications

India’s energy sector will face two key challenges in the future.

Unnatural, Excessive & Toxic- Publications

What is un-natural in today’s context is that in just 200 years, there’s been a 40% increase in carbon dioxide which has already caused warming of 1 degree.

Tackling technology transfer- Publications

Call for action on climate finance, international technology transfer, and capacity building is India’s central agenda at COP 27 and has been our focus at past COPs as well.

Towards a Policy Framework for Financing Future Loss and Damage- Publications

The inclusion of loss and damage (L&D) to the COP27 agenda is a positive first step in achieving climate justice.

Potential of India's Virtual Power Purchase Agreements- Publications

In line with last year’s commitment to achieving net zero by 2070, India, at its pavilion at the 27th session of the Conference of Parties or COP27 is talking about a climate-friendly, sustainable lifestyle.

How Green Hydrogen Policy Can Lead to India's Energy Import Independence- Publications

India has set ambitious medium- and long-term renewable energy targets to counteract the adverse effects of climate change, one of them being the commitment to increase the share of its renewable power capacity to 50% by 2030.

COP27: Reflections on Adaptation and Loss & Damage- Events

The Climate, Environment and Sustainability team at CSTEP organised a discussion on 12 December 2022 to reflect on the key conversations that happened during COP27.

Energy symbiosis for decarbonising India’s hard-to-abate sectors- Publications

At the recently concluded 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), India submitted its long-term strategy to achieve zero emissions by 2070.