This project was a part of the Indo-US collaborative research platform Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States (SERIIUS; www.
Access to electricity can bring about a transformative change in the economic conditions and growth of any country.
The growth of RTPV has been sluggish compared to ground-mounted installations.
Existing pumped-hydro-energy storage (PHES) plants in India are inadequately utilised and hence have low economic benefits.
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) industries are still majorly dependent on fossil fuels for their energy requirements, making them particularly susceptible to increasing fuel prices.
Bengaluru, 28 June 2024: The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to 31% of India’s gross domestic product, almost 50% of exports, and 57% of all employment in manufacturing sectors, making them crucial to the economy.
Small industries or micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a crucial sector in India’s development.
CSTEP’s storage programme has two verticals: 1) techno-economic analysis of various storage systems along with policy aspects, and 2) research and development (R&D) of novel electrode and electrolyte materials for state-of-the-art and emerging battery systems using computer simulation techniques.