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Why There’s a Need to Look at Air Pollution Through the Climate Lens- Publications

Atleast 9 million people die annually from air pollution-related complications, according to a recent study by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health.

Opinion: A new beginning for hydrogen around the corner- Publications

Globally, as countries look for options to reduce emissions and achieve climate targets, hydrogen is emerging as the frontrunner for decarbonisation strategies.

Replacement Of Thermal Power With Renewables By 2025 Ambitious or Achievable?- Publications

The push for clean energy transition as an effective climate action strategy is intensifying.

Role of EVs in India’s Sustainable Mobility Journey- Publications

Over the last 2 years, the sale of electric vehicles has picked up pace in India, with this year’s sale already surpassing that of last year’s by over 80%.

Streamlining the hydrogen ecosystem is essential for India to achieve net-zero targets- Publications

Electrolysers used in the production of hydrogen from water are electrochemical energy-conversion devices.

Unnatural, Excessive & Toxic- Publications

What is un-natural in today’s context is that in just 200 years, there’s been a 40% increase in carbon dioxide which has already caused warming of 1 degree.

India's latest National Electricity Plan is ambitious and in line with climate commitments- Publications

At the ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, India released its long-term low-carbon development strategies.

Panel Discussion on Hard to Abate Sectors- Events

CSTEP is collaborating with ET Energyworld to conduct a panel discussion titled Decarbonising Hard to Abate Sectors: New Fuels, Old Aspirations.

It’s Time to Feed Our Soil- Publications

Soil — the second-largest natural carbon sink after oceans — has an enormous capacity to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Mapping air pollution in Bengaluru using low-cost sensors and mobile monitoring data- Publications

To effectively manage air pollution, we need to measure it accurately and at high spatial resolution.

A Framework for Quantifying the Climate Co-benefits of MGNREGS Works- Publications

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is a national poverty alleviation programme that provides 100 days of guaranteed wage employment to rural households whose adult members demand unskilled manual work.

PRESS RELEASE: New report asks important questions as India develops net-zero strategy- Publications

As we inch closer to another global climate summit, COP27, climate projection models will once again be thrust into the limelight as they play an important role in devising net-zero strategies.

The great lithium push- Publications

India is now the eighth-largest lithium reserve country thanks to discovery in Jammu & Kashmir.

India’s Building Code Has a Blind Spot for a Whole Category of Emissions- Publications

Building codes are not new to India, and the first iteration of the National Building Code (NBC) dates back to 1970.

Bengaluru 2030: Impact of EVs on Vehicular Emissions- Publications

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a direct cause of human-induced climate change.

OPINION: What is the role of states in India's clean energy transition?- Publications

As a rapidly developing nation, India is currently the world’s fourth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases.