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Agroforestry to Achieve Global Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Targets: Are South Asian Countries Sufficiently Prepared?- Publications

Traditional agroforestry systems across South Asia have historically supported millions of smallholding farmers.

Why a net-zero vision should drive India’s climate strategy- Publications

Globally, efforts are underway to prepare country-level climate strategies in the run-up to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP26) at Glasgow in November this year.

What are the ways and strategies to tackle complex fleet electrification challenges?- Publications

Electrification of vehicle fleets has gained considerable momentum as many companies involving urban mobility in their operations are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

How Battery Storage Technology Paves Way for a Renewable-powered Future?- Publications

Battery energy storage (BES) technology is set to play a crucial role in helping India achieve net -zero carbon emission goals.

The Right Moves for Environment- Publications

The surge in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the transport sector is a growing concern globally, given its enormous impact on environment.

World Environment Day 2021: The Inheritance of Loss- Publications

While environmentalists were busy applauding the decline in carbon emissions in the wake of pandemic-induced lockdown in most parts of the world, the Mauna Loa Observatory in the US posted a peak of 417 parts per million of atmospheric CO2 for several days in early 2021.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India via SAFARI- Publications

India has to overcome several developmental challenges in the coming decades.

With the Climate Crisis On, E10 Might Be India’s Ethanol-Blending Sweet Spot- Publications

In his Independence Day address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned India spends over Rs 12 lakh crore on importing energy, and that domestic energy production will be a policy priority for the country.

India Needs Urgent Climate Funding To Keep 1.5°C Alive- Publications

The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms what we have known all along—the dynamics of climate are being rewritten irrevocably.

Turn Down the Heat – Coping with Energy Demand and Thermal Comfort- Publications

Thermal comfort is a fundamental need and should not be the privilege of the well-off.

Nature-based Solutions Towards Circular Economy- Publications

The concept of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and circular economy is seen as enablers for improving resource efficiency, sustainable use of resources, sustainable economic growth, and social benefits.

The Changing Role of Data and AI in Green Energy- Publications

The imperative to adopt low-carbon energy is driving revolutionary changes in the power sector value chain across the globe.

Beyond ACs and Fans - The Alternative Space Cooling Route!- Publications

The Sixth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects intense heatwaves in India, with longer durations and at an increasing frequency.

COP 26: What India Must Do- Publications

India must follow a three-fold strategy at the UN Climate Change conference.

Solar Energy–Based EV Charging: A Pilot and Techno-Economic Study- Publications

India has 21 of the 30 cities with the worst air quality in the world.