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Intelligent Systems for Smart and Sustainable Transport- Publications

ITS can play an enabling role in the implementation of sustainable mobility interventions such as travel demand management, improved accessibility to public transit and safety assurance.

Cab Aggregators' Data: An Untapped Opportunity for Transportation Planning- Publications

The emergence of app-based cab aggregators (CA) has disrupted the urban transportation system and transformed how people make travel choices in Indian cities.

Why e-vehicles aren't popular in Bengaluru, and how this can change- Publications

Bengaluru is today synonymous with traffic and air pollution.

On Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Between Solar RTPV and EV Charging Station- Publications

The use of energy from a rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) system for charging electric vehicles (EV) is environmentally advantageous and forms a true approach towards green mobility.

Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment- Projects

CSTEP has developed the Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment to support state transport undertakings and electricity distribution companies in their decision-making process while deploying e-buses.

CSTEP Signs MoU With Hygge Energy- Events

CSTEP has signed an MoU with Hygge Energy, a Canadian clean technology company, to work together in the renewable energy and electric mobility segments.

What are the ways and strategies to tackle complex fleet electrification challenges?- Publications

Electrification of vehicle fleets has gained considerable momentum as many companies involving urban mobility in their operations are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

The Current EV Policy Ecosystem in India- Publications

In India, the electrification of the transportation sector is considered a vital strategy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution.

Location Planning for Public Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Stations- Publications

Electric mobility has gained momentum worldwide as a sustainable choice in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality.

Press Release - Framework for Identifying Locations for Setting Up Public Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles- Publications

With pressure mounting on countries including India to address climate change by shifting to clean technologies, the significance of electric mobility to counter emissions cannot be ruled out.

Planning Tool for E-Bus Deployment- Publications

Phase II of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) India is envisioned to introduce 7,000 e-buses across the country by 2024.

Solar Energy–Based EV Charging: A Pilot and Techno-Economic Study- Publications

India has 21 of the 30 cities with the worst air quality in the world.

Press Release - Planning Tool to Facilitate E-bus Adoption- Publications

With the impetus provided by phase I and II of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme, many state transport undertakings (STUs) have started deploying electric buses (e-buses) in their fleet.

Press Release - Solar Energy–Based EV Charging: A Pilot and Techno-Economic Study- Publications

India has 21 of the 30 cities with the worst air quality in the world.