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Grid Impact for High RE Scenarios in Southern India- Publications

The Southern Region (SR) leads renewable energy (RE) deployment in India, having an installed capacity of about 43 GW as of December 2020.

Particulate Measurements Key to Solving India’s Air Pollution Puzzle- Publications

The "scary" air pollution situation in India makes it imperative to gather extensive, credible data on pollution and its sources at a fairly granular level—for every square kilometre of most mid- to large-sized cities, as well as for vast exurban and rural areas.

Can the Indian steel industry Join the Hydrogen revolution?- Publications

If India wants to retain the edge as one of the leading steel producers globally, the Government should provide incentives through policies for adoption of hydrogen.

The Role of Carbon Capture and Storage in India’s ‘Hard To Abate’ Industries- Publications

Carbon dioxide levels have hit a record high yet again despite the slowdown caused by the coronavirus lockdowns globally.

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the fine particulate matter concentration levels: Results from Bengaluru megacity, India- Publications

Leveraging the COVID-19 India-wide lockdown situation, the present study attempts to quantify the reduction in the ambient fine particulate matter concentrations during the lockdown (compared with that of the pre-lockdown period), owing to the highly reduced specific anthropogenic activities and thereby pollutant emissions.

Water for India: Sustainable Alternatives- Publications

In India, around three lakh children die of water-borne diseases every year, with diarrhoea alone causing more than 50 per cent of the deaths.

How Vulnerable Are India’s Himalayan Region States to Climate Change?- Publications

In 2018, a group of academic institutions initiated a project to build capacities of the 12 Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) states through robust assessments of climate change vulnerability, adaptation planning, and implementation.

High‐resolution Climate Change Projection of Northeast Monsoon Rainfall over Peninsular India- Publications

In this study, projected changes in mean northeast monsoon (NEM) rainfall and associated extreme rainfall and temperature events, over peninsular India (PI) and its six subdivisions are quantified.

India’s race for universal water supply shouldn’t come at cost of water quality- Publications

Recent reports about the residents of Chhattisgarh’s Kundru village being compelled to consume drainage water due to the non-availability of hand-pump water shouldn’t shock us.

Why a net-zero vision should drive India’s climate strategy- Publications

Globally, efforts are underway to prepare country-level climate strategies in the run-up to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC COP26) at Glasgow in November this year.

Power Markets in India- Publications

Electricity, like any manufactured product, can be bought and sold in a market — in this case, a power market.

Does increasing the spatial resolution in dynamical downscaling impact climate change projection of Indian summer monsoon, population and GDP?- Publications

High-resolution regional climate model (RCM) simulations are found to be very useful in deriving realistic climate change projection information.

The Current EV Policy Ecosystem in India- Publications

In India, the electrification of the transportation sector is considered a vital strategy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution.