A policy brief analysing India's aspirations of achieving development without leaving a massive carbon footprint.
CSTEP research report.
India's growing economy requires an adequate supply of energy.
India’s present installed capacity, 1,62,366.
This work proposes a method which can provide a rational area estimate of a PV plant factoring sizing considerations from electrical, maintenance, and shading aspects.
This project aims to understand the synergies and trade-offs involved in facing the unenviable challenge of balancing their developmental goals and climate targets.
Based on satellite data, gathered over a decade (June 2006 to December 2016), polluted dust - defined as a mixture of dust and smoke - has emerged as the dominant aerosol species across India.
To increase the reliability of India's national emissions inventory, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) must consider developing 'country-specific' emission factors using real- time measurements across all sectors.
Over the past decade, India’s cities have been witnessing an increasing trend in motorization with deteriorating air quality, and there have been calls to promote public transport as a way out of this gridlock.