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Round Table on Feasibility of Electrification of Public Transportation- Events

A round table, on the feasibility and implementation plan for electrification of public transportation in Bengaluru, was co-organised by CSTEP, India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF).

A Multi-Model Assessment of Energy and Emissions for India's Transportation Sector through 2050- Publications

This paper compares frameworks and projections of energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter (PM2.

Transition to All-Electric Public Transportation: Energy Resource Assessment- Publications

Large-scale penetration of EV comes with a plethora of sectoral planning challenges and will require coordinated planning between the transport, urban planning and power sectors.

Implementation Plan for Electrification of Public Bus Transport in Bengaluru- Publications

In 2017, Karnataka became the first Indian state to announce an EV Policy.

Review of Urban Transport in India- Publications

This paper reviews the past trends, the current situation the measures taken so far in the National Urban Transport Policy.

Institutional analysis of urban transportation in Bangalore- Publications

Institutional analysis of urban transportation in Bangalore.

Need for Government Support for Public Bus Transport- Publications

With increasing trends in road congestion, air pollution, energy demand and emissions, there is a need to look for effective solutions to meet the urban transport demand in Bengaluru.

Lessons for other cites in Bengaluru's new framework for urban transport- Publications

Bengaluru's history of multiple (and often competing) transport agencies is a major reason for such unsustainable projects being proposed and implemented.

Hydrogen: towards cleaner and sustainable transport- Publications

Extensive commercialisation of hydrogen vehicles is very much possible by the mid-21st century.

Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies: India- Publications

Ch 5: India in 'Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies' (The Urban Book Series).

Decision making for upgradation of transport infrastructure- Publications

This paper was presented as part of the High Speed Rail Symposium Conference, 2013.