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Climate policy options in East-West squeeze- Publications

India should clearly articulate its technology and financial requirements to move along a lower carbon intensive trajectory.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory& Mitigation Study for Karnataka- Publications

Adoption of energy efficient measures would result in reduced demand for energy and thus lower emissions.

Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Battery: High-Capacity Ammonium Vanadate Cathode with Enhanced Stability at High Rate- Publications

A sodium-ion battery (NIB) cathode performance based on ammonium vanadate is demonstrated here as high capacity, long cycle life and good rate capability.

Climate Change: Need to Act Now- Publications

The threat of climate change is a serious global concern.

Workshop to Examine Policy Landscape of App-Based Shared Mobility- Events

A workshop on 'App-based Shared Mobility: Policy Imperatives' was held on 28 January 2020 at India International Centre, New Delhi.

Cooling India- Publications

The primacy of finding cost-effective solutions for achieving deep cuts in India’s space cooling requirement cannot be overstated.

Industries - Enablers for 1.5 degree Celsius aligned NDC ambitions- Publications

As parties to the Paris agreement prepare to enhance their NDCs next year, non-party stakeholders have a crucial responsibility in leading the governments to take concrete measures to urgently align their growth and climate actions with the 1.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India- Projects

Key Objective: The main objective of this project is to develop an energy model as a visualisation and planning tool (Decision Support System) that will enable policymakers to create and test their strategies virtually.

IH2®: Potential and Impact Analysis- Publications

IH2® is a waste-to-energy technology which converts a broad range of residues, including sorted municipal waste (up to 20% plastic content), agricultural residues to gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel-range hydrocarbon fuels.

IETP: Reshaping India’s Energy Sector for a Better Future- Publications

In India, one of the world’s fastest growing economies, most industries still run on fossil fuels.

Green energy spikes up- Publications

The ongoing pandemic has spared none, including the power sector.

Technology Options and Policy Solutions for a Future Powered by Renewable Energy- Publications

Flexibility in the grid is paramount for India to meet its renewable energy (RE) ambitions — 450 GW by 2050 as announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2019.

Green bonding for recovery- Publications

The 2021 Union Budget announced an institutional framework to instill liquidity into the corporate bond market.

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the fine particulate matter concentration levels: Results from Bengaluru megacity, India- Publications

Leveraging the COVID-19 India-wide lockdown situation, the present study attempts to quantify the reduction in the ambient fine particulate matter concentrations during the lockdown (compared with that of the pre-lockdown period), owing to the highly reduced specific anthropogenic activities and thereby pollutant emissions.