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Wind Power in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh - Potential Assessment, Costs, and Grid Implications- Publications

Till recently, the on-shore wind power potential in India was officially estimated to be 49 GW, out of which 17 GW forms part of the country’s mainstream energy mix.

Re-assessment of India’s On-shore Wind Power Potential- Publications

This collection of ten papers highlights some of the most pressing concerns for the countries of the global South.

An Empirical Model of Power Curve of a Wind Turbine- Publications

The power curve of a wind turbine grows exponentially as a function of wind-velocity if the measured wind-velocity varies between the cut-in velocity and the rated velocity In this study, we propose an empirical, two-parameter explicit model of the power curve for a wind turbine.

A Statistical Model for Wind Power on the Basis of Ramp Analysis- Publications

Due to stochastic nature of wind distribution, wind power output comes with unscheduled changes called ramp events.

24 x 7 Power for all : Strategies for Karnataka- Publications

This study was commissioned by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) to identify key implementable strategies for the state of Karnataka for achieving the objectives of 24x7 Power for All The study describes the power supply scenario in the State including estimates for future energy demand The status of 24x7 power supply is analysed along the dimensions of access (electrification), adequacy (per capita consumption), affordability (cost of supply), availability (duration of supply), and reliability Future plans for generation capacity are analysed to determine the range of foreseeable shortfalls till Financial Year (FY) 2020 Transmission capacity augmentation, renewable energy and energy efficiency options available to meet future demand are discussed in detail The report concludes with the strategies that Karnataka should focus on in order to achieve the objectives of 24x7 Power for All.

Quantifying PhotoVoltaic Power Variability Using Lorenz Curve- Publications

Short-term variability of utility-scale solar PhotoVoltaic (PV) plant is a significant issue for grid reliability.

Nuclear Power in India: The road ahead- Publications

India's growing economy requires an adequate supply of energy.

Indian Power Supply Position 2010- Publications

India’s present installed capacity, 1,62,366.

Roadmap for Karnataka's Power Sector - Vision for 2021-22- Publications

The State’s capacity addition plans seem inadequate to meet projected demand in the next 5 years.

An empirical model for ramp analysis of utility-scale solar PV power- Publications

Short-term variability in the power generated by utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plants is a cause for concern for power system operators.

Fitting Solar Photovoltaics in the Indian Power Sector- Publications

Lessons can be learned from countries like Germany, which have offered two billon euros worth support and its experience in renewable energy penetration.

Modeling of Solar and Biomass Hybrid Power Generation—a Techno-Economic Case Study- Publications

Solar power plants are expected to play a significant role in India’s power sector.

Bankability of Concentrated Solar Power in India: A Plant-Configuration Case Study in Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Mumbai- Publications

This study evaluates options for deployment configurations of current CSP technologies that may decrease the LCOE or exploit other attributes of the technology that could make it a more attractive investment in India (e.