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India's Journey Towards 450 GW- Publications

In his address to the nation on the occasion of the India’s 75th Independence Day, the Prime Minister mentioned that we have crossed the milestone of 100 GW of installed renewable energy (RE) capacity.

Recycling Of EV Batteries In India: What Opportunity Lies Ahead?- Publications

A lithium-ion battery circular economy will significantly benefit the domestic EV and storage industry.

How Supportive are Indian EV Policies to Charging Infrastructure in Order to Power the Mobility Transition?- Publications

It is known that adequate and accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is a necessary precondition for the mass adoption of EVs in India.

COP 26: What India Must Do- Publications

India must follow a three-fold strategy at the UN Climate Change conference.

Study on Pricing Mechanism for Energy Generated by Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) in India- Publications

India plans to install 450 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy (RE) generation capacity by 2030.

Press Release - Study Recommends Differential Pricing for Pumped-hydro Energy Storage in India to Boost RE- Publications

A differential pricing mechanism that calculates different pumping and generation prices for pumped-hydro energy storage (PHES) should be employed for its growth in India, recommends a recent study by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP).

Coal and India Beyond COP26 – Why the Long Phase?- Publications

The two-week-long UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) concluded with the negotiated terms detailed in the Glasgow Climate Pact.

District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the Southern States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.

Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution in Chennai, India during COVID-19 Lockdown: An Affordable Sensors Study- Publications

The Tamil Nadu Air Pollution and Health Effects study (TAPHE-2) aims to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and birth outcome in a rural-urban cohort of 300 pregnant women.

District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the Central States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.

District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the Western States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.

Press Release - CSTEP Study: Southern States of India Set for Warmer Winters, Heavier & More Frequent Rainfall- Publications

Changing climate patterns – from warmer summer maximum and winter minimum temperature to heavier and more frequent rainfall – are to be expected across all states in South India, according to a new study by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP).

An Introduction to Mini-grids in India- Publications

Mini-grids (MG) — the small power stations that are scaled-down versions of city power grids — are today recognised for their role in bringing reliability to power supply.

Win-win Transportation Strategies for India: Linking Air Pollution and Climate Mitigation- Publications

This article analyzes road transport in India to explore linkages between air pollution and climate change policies in the transportation sector.

District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the Eastern States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.