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CSTEP Signs MoU With the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh - Events

CSTEP signed a memorandum of understanding with the Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (APTRANSCO) on 30 November 2021.

Integrating Renewables: Need to upgrade Uttar Pradesh's transmission infrastructure- Publications

Uttar Pradesh, the fourth largest state in terms of land area, is the most populated state in India, accounting for over 16% of the country’s total population.

A straw in the wind - Will achieving grid parity propel India’s offshore wind?- Publications

India is endowed with a 71 GW offshore wind potential, as per the assessment by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), but the country is yet to set up its first offshore wind plant.

Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar - Projects

Bihar has embarked on several major initiatives that are likely to transform the shape of its power sector.

24 x 7 Power for all : Strategies for Karnataka- Publications

This study was commissioned by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) to identify key implementable strategies for the state of Karnataka for achieving the objectives of 24x7 Power for All The study describes the power supply scenario in the State including estimates for future energy demand The status of 24x7 power supply is analysed along the dimensions of access (electrification), adequacy (per capita consumption), affordability (cost of supply), availability (duration of supply), and reliability Future plans for generation capacity are analysed to determine the range of foreseeable shortfalls till Financial Year (FY) 2020 Transmission capacity augmentation, renewable energy and energy efficiency options available to meet future demand are discussed in detail The report concludes with the strategies that Karnataka should focus on in order to achieve the objectives of 24x7 Power for All.

Roadmap for Karnataka's Power Sector - Vision for 2021-22- Publications

The State’s capacity addition plans seem inadequate to meet projected demand in the next 5 years.

Energy Storage Options for Indian Power Grid- Publications

The Government of India plans to integrate 175 GW of variable renewables into the grid by 2022.

On Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Between Solar RTPV and EV Charging Station- Publications

The use of energy from a rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) system for charging electric vehicles (EV) is environmentally advantageous and forms a true approach towards green mobility.

COVID-19 fight: Personal accountability can tip the scale- Publications

Keep calm and carry on: This seems to be the reigning mantra during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) times.

Karnataka Power System Transformation Workshop- Events

The International Energy Agency organised a webinar on 19 January 2021 in collaboration with CSTEP, NITI Aayog, and the British Deputy High Commission, Bangalore, to showcase Karnataka’s efforts in transitioning towards renewable sources of energy.

Grid Impact for High RE Scenarios in Southern India- Publications

The Southern Region (SR) leads renewable energy (RE) deployment in India, having an installed capacity of about 43 GW as of December 2020.

Climate Risk Profile for Power Sector in Karnataka- Publications

Power infrastructure, which includes assets for generation, transmission, and distribution of power, is vulnerable to manifestations of climate change.

Significance of DRE Systems in Strengthening the Electricity Infrastructure- Publications

The draft NEP, besides recognising the significance of RE hybrids (like solar-biomass, solar-hydro) for sustainable generation, highlights the role of DRE in reducing dependency on the transmission network, especially through solar rooftops in urban spaces and mini-grids in remote villages.

Clean Energy for Clean Air- Publications

Public health concerns have grown tremendously during the past two years because of the pandemic.

Going Smart With Energy Audit- Publications

The Indian power ministry recently mandated periodic energy accounting to reduce electricity losses for distribution companies (DISCOMs).

The impact of Covid-19 on India’s power demand- Publications

National economic activities were hit hard by the pandemic, and the power sector was no exception.