Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India- Projects

Key Objective: The main objective of this project is to develop an energy model as a visualisation and planning tool (Decision Support System) that will enable policymakers to create and test their strategies virtually.

Simulating India's Safar to 2050- Publications

We believe that in long-term forecasting, understanding the dynamic behaviour of the system and its responses to various interventions is crucial.

Energy and Emissions Implications for a Desired Quality of Life in India via SAFARI- Publications

India has to overcome several developmental challenges in the coming decades.

PRESS RELEASE: New report asks important questions as India develops net-zero strategy- Publications

As we inch closer to another global climate summit, COP27, climate projection models will once again be thrust into the limelight as they play an important role in devising net-zero strategies.

Viewing India’s Net-Zero Ambition Through the Lens of Polysilicon- Publications

As India dons the role of a solar superpower, a crucial hurdle in the country’s journey to self-reliance in this sector is the availability of the key raw material—polysilicon.

Policy strategies to decarbonise the buildings sector- Publications

The Sustainable Alternative Futures for India (SAFARI) model (Kumar et al.

Climate and Development: Navigating a Delicate Balance- Events

India is attempting to navigate a delicate balance – achieving our development goals sustainably without compromising on our climate targets.

Sustainable alternative futures for agriculture in India—the energy, emissions, and resource implications- Publications

India’s falling aquifer levels, erratic monsoons, arable land constraints, stagnating crop yields, growing food demand, and rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessitate that strategic interventions be planned and implemented to maintain food security in the country.

Sustainable Alternative Futures for Urban India: the Resource, Energy, and Emissions Implications of Urban Form Scenarios- Publications

India’s rapid urbanisation underscores the need to balance growing consumption patterns, development goals, and climate commitments.

No silver bullet: Essays on India’s net-zero transition- Publications

India announced its net-zero target for the year 2070.

Roundtable Discussion: Net-Zero Scenarios for India’s Buildings Sector- Events

CSTEP conducted a closed-door roundtable discussion on ‘Net-Zero Scenarios for India’s Buildings Sector’ on 18 December 2023 in Bengaluru.

Annual Report 2023-2024- Publications

Our Annual Report 2023–2024 highlights how CSTEP's innovative solutions are driving a change on the ground.