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Empowering Grassroots for Climate Action: Dissemination of Climate Modules- Publications

The first blog looked into the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy’s (CSTEP’s) engagement with Climate Asia (CA) on their Climate Action for Civil Society Organisation Development Programme for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

Unravelling India’s Changing Rural Migration Patterns Amidst Climate Change- Publications

The 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai underscored the need for scaling up and strengthening adaptation and resilience activities to protect the vulnerable sections of society, such as farmers, from the adverse impacts of climate change.

Pathways to Steer India’s Buildings Sector Towards a Net-Zero Future- Publications

In the face of the global imperative to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.

Agro-climatic zone-wise drought hazards in Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios- Publications

This study performed the spatio-temporal analysis of drought hazards across the agro-climatic zones (ACZs) of Karnataka under historical and future climate scenarios.

On India’s ‘heat action plans’- Publications

Come summer, we are used to seeing heat alerts from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for various parts of India.

(Re)envisioning inclusive futures: Applying narrative foresight to deconstruct the problem of urban flooding in the slums of Bengaluru, India- Publications

Recurring urban flooding in Bengaluru, India, has brought multiple intersecting development challenges to the forefront.

Systems thinking for doughnut cities- Publications

As a populous, dense, and developing country, India needs a comprehensive urbanisation strategy for the coming decades to control its greenhouse gas emissions trajectory.

The power distribution sector: The final challenge to India’s green transformation- Publications

While clean power generation is crucial, India’s energy transition requires concerted efforts from all actors in the power sector value chain.

Eco-Mandates for a Climate-Resilient Democracy- Publications

Earth, home to over 8 billion species, saw record CO2 emissions in 2023.

Sea level rise scenarios and inundation maps for selected Indian coastal cities- Publications

Sea level rise (SLR) has been recognised as the most serious global threat.

Social accounting matrix construction and multiplier analysis- Publications

A social accounting matrix (SAM) can be used to estimate key macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), gross value added (GVA), material input intensity, labour and capital intensity, average savings rate, per capita income of households, etc.

Adapting to climate change- Publications

Not a day or week passes without an extreme event such as a heat wave, high-intensity rainfall leading to floods and landslides, lack of rain or unseasonal rains destroying fruits and vegetable crops, or hurricanes striking coastal areas.

Time Series GHG Emission Estimates for Residential, Commercial, Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors in India- Publications

Time series greenhouse gas emission estimates were prepared for the residential, commercial, agriculture and fisheries sectors in India, for the time period of 2005 to 2014, to understand the historical emission changes in these sectors.

Scoping technology options for India's oil security: Part I - ethanol for petrol- Publications

Crude oil prices recently crossed US$ 75/bbl, fuelling serious concerns whether India’s rapidly expanding economy can sustain a high and growing level of crude imports There are also serious concerns of global warming from burning of fossil fuels.

How the Most Vulnerable Countries Fared at the Paris Meeting- Publications

The most vulnerable countries of the world had specific concerns going into the Paris meeting of the Conference of Parties on climate change.