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Panel Discussion on Hard to Abate Sectors- Events

CSTEP is collaborating with ET Energyworld to conduct a panel discussion titled Decarbonising Hard to Abate Sectors: New Fuels, Old Aspirations.

COP27: Reflections on Adaptation and Loss & Damage- Events

The Climate, Environment and Sustainability team at CSTEP organised a discussion on 12 December 2022 to reflect on the key conversations that happened during COP27.

It’s Time to Feed Our Soil- Publications

Soil — the second-largest natural carbon sink after oceans — has an enormous capacity to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Solar – the road unexplored- Publications

India continues to champion solar power in its future plans of a 500 GW non-fossil fuel energy installation target for 2030.

Energy Conservation Bill 2022: Implications and next steps- Publications

India has set ambitious climate targets as part of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to tackle the climate crisis.

Innovating for a Better Future!- Publications

A brainchild of Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Professor of Nanophysics at Aarhus University, Denmark, UNLEASH is a global initiative that aims to bring together the next generation of youth from across the globe, providing a platform to share ideas, build networks, and create innovative and scalable solutions to progress towards the SDGs.

Biodiversity and Food Security: Two pieces of the same puzzle- Publications

India is highly dependent on the agriculture sector for its food security, and biodiversity loss leaves crops vulnerable to pests and diseases, thereby lowering yields.

Uttar Pradesh Solar Energy Policy 2022: Why ensuring successful execution is the key- Publications

With India’s commitment to achieving net zero by 2070, one of the milestones is attaining 500 GW capacity from non-fossil fuel-based sources by 2030.

Much to Gain From Green- Publications

Green growth refers to a rethinking of traditional development strategies by factoring in how economic growth would impact the environment, and today’s climate crisis prescribes urgent worldwide action on this.

H2 Valleys: Opportunities and Trade-offs- Publications

In India, a functioning hydrogen economy is expected to bolster the energy portfolio in a sustainable way with the support of conducive policies (National Green Hydrogen Mission) from the Government.

Mapping air pollution in Bengaluru using low-cost sensors and mobile monitoring data- Publications

To effectively manage air pollution, we need to measure it accurately and at high spatial resolution.

Multiple PM Low-Cost Sensors, Multiple Seasons’ Data, and Multiple Calibration Models- Publications

In this study, we combined state-of-the-art data modelling techniques (machine learning [ML] methods) and data from state-of-the-art low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensors (LCSs) to improve the accuracy of LCS-measured PM2.

Blockchain for the advancement of decentralised RE systems- Publications

In recent years, blockchain technology has made significant strides across various industries, from finance to supply chain management.

OPINION: Is hydrogen the next state-of-the-art ancillary fuel in the server legion?- Publications

Over the past decade, digitalisation has been expedited across all industries.