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Green Hydrogen Superpower- Publications

Every year, India’s energy consumption from fossil fuels is worth approximately Rs 7 trillion.

Warming Up to Climate Action – Agriculture and Buildings- Publications

This series of articles is a joint editorial initiative of ETEnergyworld and CSTEP.

Behavioural Shifts in the Transport Sector- Publications

Emissions from the Indian transport sector currently account for almost 10 per cent of the country’s total GHG emissions, mandating significant sectoral interventions for attaining the ‘net zero’ goal.

At the Root of Stubble Burning- Publications

Punjab is at the heart of India’s agricultural success story.

Climate Action Series: Warming Up to Climate Action – Incentives and Finance- Publications

Climate finance was one of the most contested issues at COP26 in Glasgow last November.

OPINION: Exploring New Options to Electrify Process Heating in MSMEs- Publications

The benefits of switching to electric process-heating technologies are evident.

Behavioural Shifts Will Drive Decarbonisation in the Transport Sector- Publications

Almost 10 per cent of the total GHG emissions in India come from its transport sector.

Economic Impacts of Low-Carbon Policies- Publications

Meeting India’s short- and long-term climate commitments made at COP26 entails a complete economic transformation, which can have considerable developmental tradeoffs.

Need For Coal- Publications

Recently, TPPs across India experienced an acute coal shortage.

Rigidity Remains- Publications

The Government of India, in 2015, had set an ambitious target of installing 100 GW of solar capacity by 2022.

Assessing the Impact of Integrating Electric Vehicles and Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic System into the Power Distribution Network- Publications

This paper presents our analysis of the impact of integrating electric vehicles (EVs) and rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) on the power system distribution feeders at the 11 kV level.

EV Explosions: An initial hiccup in the transition to green vehicles- Publications

A spate of EV explosions in India has raised safety concerns about the technology.

Has precision farming's moment arrived?- Publications

India needs to grow a lot more food, and do it sustainably to be able to meet its future food security and also keep its climate commitments.

What Has Kept Rooftop Lagging In The 2022 40GW Target Race What Are Some Lessons To be Learnt?- Publications

A 40 GW target of installed rooftop solar (RTS) capacity by 2022 was set by the Government of India in 2015.

Giving Earth a Helping Hand- Publications

We are witnessing the first signs of the climate crisis.