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AI for Health - Projects

CSTEP’s Health and Nutrition solution using AI is aimed at managing the health and nutrition of children and new mothers.

A Methodology for Design of Solar Micro-Grid for Improved Energy Access - Projects

This project is supported by a grant given by the Good Energies Foundation, Switzerland.

Sustainable Access for All: Building Sustainability into Universal Energy Access- Publications

This paper investigates whether the goal of universal energy access in the post-MDGs dialogue sufficiently addresses the challenges faced by the Southern countries.

Decarbonising the Cooking Sector- Publications

The optimal approach to decarbonise cooking is to start using a clean and low-carbon fuel.

Security concerns in the new "less-cash" economy- Publications

One of the undisputed benefits of the recent demonetisation exercise has been the concerted push towards digitisation of cash transactions.

Reverse Migration due to COVID-19 Underpins the Need for Adaptation- Publications

The domino effect set in motion by COVID-19 is a blunt reminder that under-prepared systems will have to bear devastating shocks.

Individual Accountability during COVID-19 – An Empirical Analysis- Publications

The current COVID-19 pandemic is spooling out to be a calamity of unprecedented proportions, causing loss of lives and devastating economies globally.

Sustainable Urban Planning to Counter Pandemics- Publications

Every epidemic leaves a distinct mark on our cities.

Green is the road ahead- Publications

With cities gradually exiting from COVID-19 restrictions and economic activities resuming, travel in cities has also resumed.

A Mixed Bag- Events

The Government of India presented the Union Budget 2021–22 on 1 February 2021.

Lack of green recovery puts environment in the red- Publications

The Union Budget 2021-22 is clearly a plan to bolster the nation's financial stability that has been down in the doldrums due to the pandemic.

Water for India: Sustainable Alternatives- Publications

In India, around three lakh children die of water-borne diseases every year, with diarrhoea alone causing more than 50 per cent of the deaths.

A climate-resilient rainfed agriculture- Publications

India has been witnessing variable monsoon for the past few years.

Climate change: How infrastructure can weather the storm- Publications

Riding on its vision of an Atmanirbhar Bharat, the government of India recently announced a slew of projects in the budget to reboot the economy, which went slack because of COVID.