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Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of Fine Particulate Matter and Surface Ozone: Results from Bengaluru, India- Publications

Urban air pollution is a complex problem, which requires a multi-pronged approach to understand its dynamics.

Satellite-Based Mapping and the Quantification of PM2.5 in India- Publications

Regulatory air pollution monitoring in India is mostly limited to urban areas.

India Solar Energy Market Outlook 2022- Publications

At the recently concluded 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, India announced that it will raise its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030.

Think in Systems To Deliver India’s Long-term Climate Strategy- Publications

The 2015 Paris Agreement required countries to submit their long-term climate action strategies by 2020.

Rooftop Solar-Based EV Charging in India: A Techno-Economic Comparison- Publications

Decentralised renewable energy resources for electric vehicle (EV) charging pave the way for green mobility.

Tackling heatwaves: Why India must revisit its options for cooling- Publications

Several parts of India reeled under a heatwave in April with temperatures soaring from 43 Degree Celsius to 46 Degree Celsius - the highest since 1901.

The Potential to Electrify Freight Transportation in India- Publications

Over two-thirds of Indian goods are transported on roads.

District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the North-Eastern States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.

The impact of Covid-19 on India’s power demand- Publications

National economic activities were hit hard by the pandemic, and the power sector was no exception.

Moving towards solar-powered e-roads in India- Publications

India has been moving towards advanced technologies in transport, and some key modern technologies have entered its highway network system.

Air pollution and climate change: The ignored curse of rural India- Publications

India’s true essence — encompassing its diversity, zeal, culture, and spirit — is rooted in its rural areas.

Role of EVs in India’s Sustainable Mobility Journey- Publications

Over the last 2 years, the sale of electric vehicles has picked up pace in India, with this year’s sale already surpassing that of last year’s by over 80%.

Exploring synergies between India's climate change and land degradation targets: Lessons from Glasgow Climate COP- Publications

Land degradation, extending over 96 million hectares is a primary ecological issue for India that has resulted in catastrophic biodiversity loss and exacerbated extreme weather occurrences.

India’s Future in Sustainable Aviation: The Decarbonisation Route- Publications

India’s aviation market is the third largest worldwide, after the United States of America (USA) and China.