CSTEP in partnership with Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) organised a training workshop on "Economic Principles for Electricity Markets".
The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in collaboration with Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) organised 'Electricity Market Workshop for Karnataka Stakeholders' on 25 September 2020.
This publication enlighten the reader about how electricity can be produced using the rice husk at Ghana.
LEDs consume 80-85 percent less electricity than conventional lighting sources and have much higher operating lifetimes (more than 50,000 hours).
This publication enlighten the reader about how ectricity can be produced using the rice husk at Ghana.
This article is first in the #Empower series of blogs by CSTEP, which aims to inform and interest the public in technical and policy issues that affect us on a day-to-day basis.
India is still struggling to come to grips with the devastating spin-offs of Covid-19, including the slump in economy.
This is the third article in the Empower blog series that CSTEP initiated to breakdown the power sector for a non-technical audience.
CSTEP launched the Empower series of blog articles to simplify the power sector for non-technical readers.
The Indian power sector is going through a major transformation owing to extensive generation from sustainable energy sources such as solar and wind and the introduction of newer market mechanisms such as real-time market, which provide the opportunity to trade power within half-hour windows.
The draft NEP, besides recognising the significance of RE hybrids (like solar-biomass, solar-hydro) for sustainable generation, highlights the role of DRE in reducing dependency on the transmission network, especially through solar rooftops in urban spaces and mini-grids in remote villages.
At the ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, India released its long-term low-carbon development strategies.
In recent years, blockchain technology has made significant strides across various industries, from finance to supply chain management.