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District-Level Changes in Climate: Historical Climate and Climate Change Projections for the Northern States of India- Publications

The impacts of climate variability, climate change, and extreme events are visible globally and in India.

Innovating for a Better Future!- Publications

A brainchild of Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Professor of Nanophysics at Aarhus University, Denmark, UNLEASH is a global initiative that aims to bring together the next generation of youth from across the globe, providing a platform to share ideas, build networks, and create innovative and scalable solutions to progress towards the SDGs.

Why India must account for climate adaptation in its budget- Publications

India has inexplicably dithered from making dedicated provisions for climate adaptation in its annual budgets, despite facing the brunt of climate change – it was listed as the seventh most vulnerable in the Climate Risk Index 2021.

PRESS RELEASE - CSTEP Study: Prepare for Warmer Temperature and High-Intensity Rainfall Events in Eastern India- Publications

A study by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)—a Bangalore-based think tank—on the climate of eastern India underscores the need for climate risk mapping and climate action.

Technology Assessment Framework 2.0: Methodology Note- Publications

Technology plays a crucial role in realising the sustainable development goals of India.

Annual Report 2022-2023- Publications

We bring you CSTEP’s Annual Report for 2022–2023.

Revving Up Revenue: Making Affordable Public EV Charging Viable- Publications

The electric vehicle (EV) segment in India has witnessed a phenomenal growth in the last few years.

India’s excess sugar production is guzzling groundwater- Publications

In 2021-2022, India surpassed Brazil to become the largest sugar producer in the world, producing 359 lakh tonnes – an all-time high.

How India can rejuvenate its Waste-to-Energy sector- Publications

India generates an enormous amount of waste, including municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial waste, hazardous waste, and biological waste.

A straw in the wind - Will achieving grid parity propel India’s offshore wind?- Publications

India is endowed with a 71 GW offshore wind potential, as per the assessment by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), but the country is yet to set up its first offshore wind plant.