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The Solar PV Market in India: Decoding ALMM and BCD- Publications

In the previous article, we discussed the gaps in key areas that hamper the sustained growth of India’s solar PV market.

The Solar PV Market in India: Technical Progress and Opportunities- Publications

So far in this series, we discussed different aspects of India’s solar PV sector, including taxation, policies, and the journey towards sustainability.

Seasonally optimized calibrations improve low-cost sensor performance: long-term field evaluation of PurpleAir sensors in urban and rural India- Publications

Lower-cost air pollution sensors can fill critical air quality data gaps in India, which experiences very high fine particulate matter (PM2.

Viewing India’s Net-Zero Ambition Through the Lens of Polysilicon- Publications

As India dons the role of a solar superpower, a crucial hurdle in the country’s journey to self-reliance in this sector is the availability of the key raw material—polysilicon.

Towards Net Zero 2070 Through Sustainable Battery Storage Adoption in India- Publications

India's commitment to the EV30@30 initiative that targets at least30% of vehicle sales to be electric by 2030 translates into adding24 million two-wheelers, 2.

Are electric cars the silver bullet for meeting India’s greenhouse gas emission goals?- Publications

Decarbonisation of the transportation sector—the world’s second highest contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—is critical to mitigate climate change.

Making sense of carbon markets in India- Publications

As the global community once again converges at the Conference of the Parties (COP), the pivotal role of carbon markets in achieving the Paris Agreement's ambitious goal of limiting warming to 1.

India’s Green Odyssey: Striking a Balance Between Economy and Ecology at COP28- Publications

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address at COP28, articulated India's steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability while maintaining a delicate balance between economic growth and ecological preservation.

Policy reforms to drive future of EVs in India- Publications

The Indian automobile industry is currently valued at USD 108 billion.

COP28 and India: Phased phase-out or no phase-out?- Publications

Most high-income countries, particularly the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, have opposed the removal of ‘fossil fuel phase-out’ from the COP28 Global Stocktake (GST) text.

Can green and carbon credits drive investment opportunities in rural India?- Publications

India is grappling with a surge in extreme climate events causing significant losses, with a shortfall in global climate action, according to the 2023 Synthesis Report of the first Global Stocktake by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Multi-season mobile monitoring campaign of on-road air pollution in Bengaluru, India- Publications

Mobile monitoring can supplement regulatory measurements, particularly in low-income countries where stationary monitoring is sparse.

How firm and dispatchable renewable energy is transforming India’s sustainable energy landscape- Publications

By 2030, India aims to source 50% of electric power from non-fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions by 45% from 2005 levels.

The role of BIPV in India’s distributed RE landscape- Publications

India’s relentless drive towards the ambitious 280 GW solar target for 2030 is riddled with obstacles.