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Policy Matters - May 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan for Gaya- Projects

Gaya is one of the well-known pilgrimage cities in India, attracting tourists from across the globe.

Webinar—Rooftop Solar: A Catalyst for Achieving Net-Zero Emissions- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) organised a webinar on 26 May 2021 to discuss the potential of  rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) systems in achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in India.

Policy Matters, June 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

The Role of Pumped-Hydro Storage in the Indian Grid- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) conducted a webinar on 30 July 2021 to discuss the role of pumped-hydro energy storage (PHES) in the Indian grid.

Policy Matters, July 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Policy Matters, August 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Understanding the Sectoral Challenges in the State of Punjab- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in collaboration with the Chandigarh Pollution Testing Laboratory (CPTL) organised a virtual round-table disussion titled ‘Understanding the Sectoral Challenges in the State of Punjab’ on 27 July 2021.

Tackling Air Pollution at the Source- Publications

With 22 Indian cities in the top 30 most polluted cities in the world (IQAir, 2020), our new dependence on pollution management at receptors — such as smog towers, water sprinkling on roads, etc.

Financially Solvent Utilities for Improved Energy Access- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) and Southern Voice organised a discussion on the financial challenges faced by utilities in making energy accessible to all.

Policy Matters, September 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage- Projects

With the high penetration of renewable energy in India, we require utility-scale storages such as pumped-hydro energy storage (PHES) systems to balance the grid.

Hydropower in India- Events

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Center for Study of Science Technology and Policy (CSTEP) conducted a webinar on assessing the potential of sustainably developing hydropower in India.

Financially Solvent Utilities for Improved Energy Access- Publications

The United Nations High-Level Dialogue on Energy estimates that an annual investment of USD 35 billion will be required to make clean and affordable universal energy access (SDG 7) by 2030 a reality.

Policy Matters, October 2021- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

ClimathonBLR 2021- Events

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy was  the knowledge partner for Climathon BLR 2021 organised by the Melton Foundation.