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Adapting to the pandemic with a human touch- Publications

The present pandemic has possibly been one of the most disruptive events in our lives, both professionally and personally.

Power Generation Tariff Design- Publications

CSTEP launched the Empower series of blog articles to simplify the power sector for non-technical readers.

Climate and Development: Navigating a Delicate Balance- Events

India is attempting to navigate a delicate balance – achieving our development goals sustainably without compromising on our climate targets.

Continual Support for Implementation of UDAY Initiatives in Karnataka - Publications

Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY)—a flagship scheme of the Government of India that ran from November 2015 to March 2019—was aimed at reducing the aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses of state-owned distribution companies (DISCOMs) by 6%, from 21% in FY15 to 15% in FY19.

ClimathonBLR 2020- Events

CSTEP, in collaboration with Melton Foundation, successfully concluded the 50-hour ClimathonBLR 2020 recently.

Policy Matters - August 2020- Publications

A monthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment- Projects

CSTEP has developed the Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment to support state transport undertakings and electricity distribution companies in their decision-making process while deploying e-buses.

Digital DISCOMs: Moving Towards Efficient Operations- Events

Interventions from the central government have saved electricity distribution companies (DISCOMs) from financial crunch numerous times in the past.

Understanding the Consumer Electricity Bill- Publications

This is the third article in the Empower blog series that CSTEP initiated to breakdown the power sector for a non-technical audience.

Policy Matters - September 2020- Publications

A bimonthly newsletter featuring CSTEP commentary, publications, events, and other developments.

Models for Informed Decisions- Publications

Think tanks play a critical role in influencing policy discourses through evidence-based analysis and ideation.

Role of Science and Technology in Society- Events

Science has laid the foundation for our understanding of the human experience.

Dr Jai Asundi Speaking to The Hindu on How Waste Management and Cleaner Transport Can Help Realise Clean Air in India- Publications

Transport options driven by fossil fuels, poor waste management (due to waste burning), emissions from industry, and road dust are among the top common components of air pollution in the non-attainment cities.

Karnataka Power System Transformation Workshop- Events

The International Energy Agency organised a webinar on 19 January 2021 in collaboration with CSTEP, NITI Aayog, and the British Deputy High Commission, Bangalore, to showcase Karnataka’s efforts in transitioning towards renewable sources of energy.

Grid Impact for High RE Scenarios in Southern India- Publications

The Southern Region (SR) leads renewable energy (RE) deployment in India, having an installed capacity of about 43 GW as of December 2020.

National Law and Policy Hackathon- Events

CSTEP partnered with E-Cell at the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) for the first National Law and Policy Hackathon.