Electric vehicles (EVs) are a technologically evolving industry that can help reduce fossil-fuel dependency and the associated trade deficit.
EVs can also help the country achieve its net-zero goals and improve the deteriorating urban air quality.

In line with the global trends, EVs are gaining popularity among Indian consumers. This is evidenced by a greater than 2000% rise in
EV registrations in the last 7 years (Vahan dashboard by MoRTH, GoI, 2023). During the fiscal year 2023, there was a notable increase in EV
registrations across India, with more than 1.1 million units sold nationwide, marking a 150% surge from the sales in the previous year (0.45 million). This growth was predominantly fuelled by the electric two-wheeler (e-2W) segment. The adoption of EVs across various Indian states exhibits a diverse landscape influenced by regional (state-specific) policies, infrastructure, and consumer preferences.

A detailed study focusing on the perception of EVs was conducted to gain a deeper understanding of various factors influencing EV adoption
across different cities. Four cities, namely, Pune, Kolkata, Surat, and Coimbatore, were selected for the study. These cities were chosen
to represent Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities with varying EV penetration and geographical locations for a comprehensive and representative analysis.

Overall, a positive response towards EVs was recorded across the four cities, and more than 55% users were willing to buy an EV instead of an ICE vehicle in the next 5 years. More than 90% of the surveyed individuals had at least basic knowledge on the advantages of EVs over ICE vehicles, such as lower operating and maintenance costs and better vehicle features. More than 60% of young adults (25 years or younger) were willing to buy EVs rather than petrol/diesel vehicles. Awareness about subsidies and tax relaxations for EVs and knowledge about the benefits of EVs were the key factors influencing users to opt for EVs. This highlights the need for continued efforts towards educating consumers to increase their awareness.

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EV perceptions and usage patterns: Lessons from four Indian cities
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EV perceptions and usage patterns: Lessons from four Indian cities
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EV perceptions and usage patterns: Lessons from four Indian cities
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Transportation, Air quality, FAME