Economic and Emissions Analysis of Behind-The-Metre Energy Storage with Rooftop Solar: A Case Study for Indian Residential Consumers

The global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels continue to rise, driven by rising energy use. Rooftop photovoltaic (RTPV) systems are an effective way to reduce emissions and, consequently, the carbon footprint for residential consumers. The use of behind-the-metre (BTM) energy storage with RTPV is a flexible and dependable method for generating electricity as it provides power to the customer even if there is an outage from the utility grid. It also reduces reliance on the utility through savings in the electricity bill and reducing CO2 emissions.

Balancing energy transition: Assessing decent living standards and future energy demand in the Global South

Achieving low energy demand in buildings is crucial in climate change mitigation. In the Global South, however, reducing the energy demand blanketly is not advisable due to critical gaps in access to the basic services supporting Decent Living Standards (DLS). Current energy demand scenarios mostly overlook achievement of DLS. Furthermore, model limitations in representing distributional aspects hinder modelling future energy demands to meet DLS.

India’s Net-Zero Scenarios: Assessing the Influence of Renewable Energy Expansion on Grid Emission Factors

The future energy mix of India is poised for a transformative shift. However, the transformation is dependent on electricity demand growth, solar and wind capacity expansion, and phasing out of coal assets. This paper discusses three scenarios—BAU, pessimistic, and optimistic—for 2047 and 2070, considering technological changes in the renewable energy (RE) sector. The methodology involves computing installed capacity and energy mix using growth/decay rates and capacity utilisation/plant load factors, respectively, for different energy sources.

Can reducing emissions be the key to boosting dairy industry’s productivity?

India is home to 126 million productive cows and buffaloes, making the country the topmost milk producer in the world. Yet, as mentioned in the February 2024 Budget Session, milk productivity or milk production per animal remains low. As per the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, Indian breeds produce an average of 1,550 litres of milk per year, as against 10,000 litres of milk per year produced by those in the United States and Canada.

Swamped with Potential: Wetlands for Mitigation and Adaptation

World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2 February every year and underscores the need to save and restore wetlands and raise awareness about their crucial role. Wetlands are some of the planet’s most powerful yet underappreciated ecosystems. These ecosystems where water saturates the land, including mangroves, peat lands, marshes, swamps, and coral reefs, provide a wealth of benefits. They act as habitats for diverse plants and animals, protect shores from waves, reduce the impacts of floods, and even support local livelihoods.