GridPath Workshop
The GridPath power sector modelling platform was launched on 23 November 2020 at the GridPath Workshop jointly organised by Prayas and CSTEP. There was also a panel discussion on the 'Importance of modelling for power sector planning' on 24 November 2020.
How Electrical Grid Reduces the Need for Energy Storage under Net Metering Policy
Renewable energy is increasingly becoming cheaper than that derived from thermal power plants. However, a major problem with renewable energy sources such as solar is the mismatch between energy generation and consumption. For example, consider a solar rooftop photovoltaic (SRTPV) system serving an electric vehicle (EV) charging station. While solar energy is generated during the day, EVs may also be charged during the night. This mismatch naturally creates the need for energy storage that can store the excess energy generated for use during times of higher demand.
Sowing the seeds of change for enhanced agricultural credit
The ongoing deliberations around the newly introduced farm laws have redrawn the nation’s focus on farmer-centric issues. Following suit, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a slew of pro-agrarian measures in the Union Budget, including an agri-credit enhancement to the tune of INR 16.5 lakh crore — highest till date. This move is expected to spur better inputs and cutting-edge technology, making farming less labour-intensive.
Comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan Reports for the Cities of Gaya and Muzaffarpur
CSTEP's Comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan reports for the cities of Gaya and Muzaffarpur were released by Shri Sushil Kumar Modi, former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, on 23 September 2020.
Electricity Market Workshop for Karnataka Stakeholders
The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in collaboration with Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) organised 'Electricity Market Workshop for Karnataka Stakeholders' on 25 September 2020. Officials from the Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL), a state-owned generating company, and the Power Company of Karnataka Limited (PCKL) attended the workshop.
Water for India: Sustainable Alternatives
In India, around three lakh children die of water-borne diseases every year, with diarrhoea alone causing more than 50 per cent of the deaths. Despite the primary sources of water in the country—groundwater and surface water—being highly contaminated, only 32 per cent of the Indian households get water from a treated source. The groundwater in most of the districts of 24 Indian states has high concentrations of metals and heavy metals. Water sources across the country are also contaminated with high levels of pathogenic organisms.
Assessment of IP set Consumption in Agricultural Feeders
Farmers in India receive electricity either free of charge or at extremely low rates for operating irrigation pump (IP) sets. The distribution utilities are compensated for the free (or nearly free) supply through subsidies by state governments. To claim higher subsidy amounts, utilities often show inflated figures of agricultural consumption. The higher consumption (by IP sets) estimates also help utilities portray lower loss in their network.
Atmospheric aerosols and inhalable particle number count during Diwali in Dehradun
This work presents the effects of fireworks display during Diwali on the short-term elevation of atmospheric aerosols and associated particle deposition in human respiratory tract at Dehradun, located in the foothills of the Himalayas. During Diwali in the years 2017 and 2018, the real-time particle number count (PNC) and particulate matter (PM) with the aerodynamic diameter of 0.01 to 35 μm were measured using an aerosol spectrometer.
CSTEP Signs MoU With Hygge Energy
CSTEP has signed an MoU with Hygge Energy, a Canadian clean technology company, to work together in the renewable energy and electric mobility segments.
Media Report
EMobility+: CSTEP Signs MoU With Hygge Energy, Partnership to Focus on RE and Electric Mobility Segments