Intersectionality-Informed Framework for Implementation of Effective Gender Mainstreaming in WSH: Andhra Pradesh

CSTEP, in collaboration with the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) aims to strengthen agencies and advance policies, regulations, and processes for increased accessibility to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSH) services. The project will demonstrate an inclusive and implementable framework that looks at the cumulative impacts of different social factors (gender, age, ability, socio-economic class, etc.) and their interactions on access to adequate sanitation across the value chain.

Blockchain for Health

CSTEP is expanding its extensive work in the health sector to develop a smart-contract framework for managing child health and malnutrition. Blockchain is an emerging technology that complements AI and Big Data for providing transformative social solutions. Smart contracts and federated ledgers are the most important aspects of the blockchain technology.

AI for Health

CSTEP’s Health and Nutrition solution using AI is aimed at managing the health and nutrition of children and new mothers. While image-based solutions can increase the accuracy and effectiveness of health and malnutrition tracking, photo- and fingerprint-based solutions can authenticate reliable service delivery to beneficiaries. AI with advanced analytics and machine learning will provide risk assessment, causal analysis and recommendations to nodal agencies.

GHG Platform India

CSTEP is one of the project consortium partners and the lead sector partner for Energy Sector Emissions Estimates in the GHG Platform India project.The Platform is a collective civil-society initiative, established with an objective to provide independent estimation and analysis of India’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across key sectors such as energy, waste, industry, agriculture, livestock, forestry, and land-use and land-use change sectors.

Roadmap for Achieving India's NDC Pledge

CSTEP developed a roadmap to achieve  India’s NDC target of reducing its emissions intensity by 33%-35% of 2005 levels, while meeting our developmental goals. We examined the emission intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (kgCO2e/INR) by its two constituents: emission intensity of energy (kgCO2e/kWh) and energy intensity of GDP (kWh/INR). The latter was evaluated in detail to assess the role of energy efficiency in end-use sectors.