Bihar has embarked on several major initiatives that are likely to transform the shape of its power sector. Some of these initiatives are mentioned below.

Connectivity to all villages and provision of 100% access to all rural and urban households:
As a result of this improved access, the state is likely to experience a significant increase in electricity demand in the coming years.

Ambitious renewable energy targets: Targets of 2,969 MW of solar, 244 MW of biomass co-generation, and 220 MW of small hydro have been set for FY 2022. Because land availability is a challenge, solar deployment could be in the form of rooftop photovoltaics (RTPVs) in urban areas and decentralised solar plants in rural areas.

Distribution reforms under the UDAY scheme to reduce AT&C losses to 15% by FY 2020
It is important to develop an integrated power sector roadmap that considers the impact of the programmes and initiatives mentioned above. Such an effort includes estimating the energy demand, exploring supply options (both within the state and outside), planning for transmission requirements, and implementing distribution reforms effectively.

Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar
Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar
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Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar
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Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar
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Integrated Power Sector Roadmap for Bihar
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