Creating Sustainable Urban Systems: Need for Redesigning Indicators for Urban Infrastructure and Services

The process of infrastructure project determination is often inadequate leading to outcomes that do not address the intended purpose and/or have unintended consequences. As the world and India commit towards charting a more sustainable development path, there is a need to take a ‘ relook’ at the outcomes of a project from a ‘sustainability’ perspective. This paper presents a framework which elaborates on key sustainable development principles in the context of urban development.

Technology Options for the Sanitation Value chain

The purpose of the compendium is to provide information on sanitation technologies from across the sanitation value chain The compendium details the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the different technology options, and also describes the different types of systems formed as a combination of the technologies, addressing all stages of the value chain These technologies have been included in the Technology Decision support Tool for Sanitation (SANITECH), developed by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) The document was compiled based on literature re

Theoretical prediction of a highly conducting solid electrolyte for sodium batteries: Na10GeP2S12

Using first-principles simulations, we predict a high-performance solid electrolyte with composition Na10GeP2S12 for use in sodium–sulfur (Na–S) batteries. The thermodynamic stability of its structure is established through determination of decomposition reaction energies and phonons, while Na-ionic conductivity is obtained using ab initio molecular dynamics at elevated temperatures.

The Initial Study of Evaluating the Energy Needs of the Poorest of the Poor (PoP) Farmers using Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) in Andhra Pradesh

This on-ground preliminary study explores the prevailing sociological, institutional and techno-economic parameters associated with energy consumption by Poorest of Poor (PoP) families across rural Andhra Pradesh, to potentially integrate the findings in line with Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) in near future.

Analytical derivation of equivalent functional form of explicit J-V model of an illuminated solar cell from physics based implicit model

Recently a simple explicit model was introduced to represent the J–V characteristics of an illuminated solar cell with parasitic resistances and bias dependent photocurrent as j = (1 − vm)/(1 + αv), here the normalized voltage, v and normalized current density j can be represented as v = V/Voc and j = J/Jsc respectively, whereVoc is the open circuit voltage and Jsc is the short circuit current density. The model is an equivalent rational function form and useful for design, characterization and calculation of maximum power point voltage.

IT Analysis and Roadmap for HESCOM

In this report, we examine current and proposed IT initiatives being undertaken by HESCOM, and suggest changes in the technology design as well as a roadmap for IT initiatives. The focus is not on technology details but high-level design and integration of these into the business processes and institutional frameworks of the utility. This effort is mindful of and compatible with R-APDRP initiatives, including those by the Empanelled IT Consultants.

Resource Variations and Resultant Tariffs for On-shore Wind potential in Karnataka

This paper aims to inform the tariff setting process for wind resource in Karnataka, so that investments in wind infrastructure can be incentivized taking into consideration resource variations. This work presents a range of levelized tariffs for the on-shore wind potential of the state. The range is a result of the variation in capacity utilization factors estimated for various classes of Wind Power Density (WPD) in the state, for waste and scrub forest land categories, at 80 m and 100 m hub heights.

Infiltration Velocity and Thickness of Flowing Slag Film on Porous Refractory of Slagging Gasifiers

Two analytical formulations that describe the fluid interactions of slag with the porous refractory linings of gasification reactors have been derived. The first formulation considers the infiltration velocity of molten slag into the porous microstructure of the refractory material that possesses an inherent temperature gradient in the direction of infiltration. Capillary pressures are assumed to be the primary driving force for the infiltration.

The Flip Side of Metcalfe’s Law: Multiple and Growing Costs of Network Exclusion

The study of networks and network science has grown in the last decade, but most network models fail to capture the costs or loss of value of exclusion from the network. Intuitively, as a network grows in size and value, those outside the network face growing disparities. This new direction is relevant too for the design of policy interventions as well as for shifting the scholarly research agenda toward greater focus on inequality and exclusion.