This publication enlighten the reader about how ectricity can be produced using the rice husk at Ghana.Developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, face large challenges to achieve universal electrification Using the case of Ghana, this study explores the role that rice residues can play to help developing countries meet their electrification needs In Ghana, Levelised Electricity Costs (LEC) of a grid-connected 5 MWe straw combustion plant ranged between 116 and 130 UScents/kWh, based on region of implementation .Rice straw combustion is a viable grid-connected option in all regions, as the bioenergy Feed-in-Tariff is 295 UScents/kWh in Ghana Residue supply cost contributes significantly (49–54%) to LEC of rice straw combustion.The methodology and analysis of this study can support policymakers of similar countries decide the economic feasibility of decentralised bioenergy solutions while forming national electrification plans.

Conference Papers
This publication enlighten the reader about how ectricity can be produced using the rice husk at Ghana
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Pooja Vijay Ramamurthi, Maria Cristina Fernandes, Per Sieverts Nielsen,Clemente Pedro Nunes
Utilisation of Rice Residues for Decentralised Electricity Generation in Ghana: An Economic Analysis
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