CSTEP is one of the project consortium partners and the lead sector partner for Energy Sector Emissions Estimates in the GHG Platform India project.The Platform is a collective civil-society initiative, established with an objective to provide independent estimation and analysis of India’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across key sectors such as energy, waste, industry, agriculture, livestock, forestry, and land-use and land-use change sectors. The platform currently hosts national and state level estimates for GHG emissions from 2007–2013 by accounting CO2, CH4 and N2O gases estimated during the second phase of the project. This project unpacks emission inventory at the national and state level for the energy, industry, waste, and Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sectors.

 The consortium is led by the Vasudha Foundation; other consortium partners include Council for Energy Environment and Water (CEEW), International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), World Resources Institute (Technical Advisor), and Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (Funding Agency).

Weblink: http://www.ghgplatform-india.org/

GHG Platform India (2015-present)
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