CSTEP has developed the Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment to support state transport undertakings and electricity distribution companies in their decision-making process while deploying e-buses. This version of the tool aims to assess depot-based charging requirements for existing fleet operations. It performs feasibility analyses to identify schedules that are suitable for operating e-buses and estimates the resulting power and energy consumed in charging these e-buses at the selected depots. This tool can be used to generate charging plans for operating e-buses in cities across India.


The depots and schedules selected for operating e-buses are the primary inputs to the tool. The specifications of e-buses, charger models chosen, and electric grid details are the secondary inputs. Using the data gathered, the tool provides the following information: a list of schedules that can be electrified, charging timetables, utilisation profile of each charger, charging demand profile, peak power demand, total charging energy consumed, and the cost of charging per day at each depot.


Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment


This planning tool is part of a project funded by the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.


Please contact the team for credentials to access the tool.


Please read the article published on Clean Mobility Shift to know more about the application.


Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment
Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment
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Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment
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Planning Tool for Electric Bus Deployment
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Planning Tool
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