Digital applications can help in accelerating the efforts towards clean energy transition through predictive models, digital tools, and utilities for rooftop solar, new and innovative solar applications, demand and energy forecasting, AT&C loss reduction, solar farm development, and rooftop PV detection. Digital tools can also help manage emission inventories, source apportionment, and collection and transformation of IoT sensor data, boosting the steps to promote cleaner air. Models and digital tools can aid climate change risk assessment, exploration of pathways for a sustainable rural economy, and examination of circular economy scenarios for specific-use cases, thus enabling a sustainable and secure society.

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Meta Title
Digital Applications
Meta Description
Digital Applications
Meta Keyword
Digital Applications
Group Leader

Intern (Web Application Development)

The intern should be able to translate UI/UX design wireframes to actual code, and optimise for maximum efficiency that will produce visual elements of the application. She/he would be required to work in teams alongside other developers and develop APIs (and connect to database), and would also be involved in defining how an application looks and works. 






Full-Stack Web Developer

As a full-stack web developer, you would be required to work in teams alongside other developers and take an active role in defining how an application looks and works. You should be able to build and translate UI/UX design wireframes to actual code and optimise them for maximum efficiency and customer experience. You should also be able to develop APIs. Commitment to problem solving and ability to create quality products is essential.

