Dr VS Arunachalam

Planning for the Commission

the Commission should serve the government with informed studies, its analyses should be
objective and the results not be dictated by the compulsions of government mandates. This is very
important to ensure the credibility of the institution. Ensuring such independence requires that the GRC
is not entirely dependent on government grants and has an entrepreneurial funding model, based on its
performance. We believe that the above will transform the Commission into a vibrant, high- quality and decisive

India's Quest for Energy Security

There are no easy answers to India's quest for energy security with environmental sustainability. The electric power sector appears to be more  manageable, given India's thrust in nuclear power. The coming decades might see large additions in nuclear power generation capacity without
significantly increasing the CO2 emissions. The Indo-US nuclear agreement provides an opportunity to import LWRs and gives India time to commercialize the FBR and thorium-based reactors. At the same time, it will help to reduce India's dependence on coal to some extent.

Scoping technology options for India’s oil security: Part II – Coal to liquids and bio-diesel

India's diesel consumption is several times that of petrol In this article, we examine two options for meeting India's diesel demand: coal to liquids and bio-diesel Coal gasification, followed by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis offers an opportunity for large-scale production of diesel as proven by South Africa, and now being attempted by China and Qatar. India could consider this option given its large coal reserves.

Harnessing Materials for Energy

This special volume of MRS Bulletin on energy is the first of its
kind in which the magazine addresses a major societal issue This
issue has contributions from energy experts from many countries
and reflects not only the growing global concerns on energy but
also the opportunities that materials researchers can tackle Some
of the new materials are already available, and many are or will be
under development Nuclear fusion might still be many decades
away, but already, there are experiments with new materials to

A Sustainable Development Framework for India’s Climate Policy

This paper investigates whether the goal of universal energy access in the post-MDGs dialogue sufficiently
addresses the challenges faced by the Southern countries Though access to energy is an important precondition
for development and resilience to socio-economic and climate variability and change, about 17
million people lack access to electricity Hence, the post-MDGs dialogue mandates attention to energy poverty
reduction A critical review of literature on the dialogue was conducted to analyse gaps in the current