Dr Anshu Bharadwaj

Planning for the Commission

the Commission should serve the government with informed studies, its analyses should be
objective and the results not be dictated by the compulsions of government mandates. This is very
important to ensure the credibility of the institution. Ensuring such independence requires that the GRC
is not entirely dependent on government grants and has an entrepreneurial funding model, based on its
performance. We believe that the above will transform the Commission into a vibrant, high- quality and decisive

Nuclear Power in India: The road ahead

India's growing economy requires an adequate supply of energy. As per several estimates, India’s installed electric power generation would have to increase to 650,000 - 950,000 MW by 2030 to sustain economic growth of 8% - 9%. India can thus ill afford to disregard any energy source and nuclear energy is an important source of long‐term energy security.

A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy: An Interim Report

As a large developing country, India’s challenge is to meet its development aspirations in a carbon-constrained world This study, undertaken by the Centre for Study of Science Technology and Policy (CSTEP) uses Sustainable Development (SD) as the overarching framework and aims at equitable access to energy, clean air and water, food, health and livelihoods and economic growth The study connects elements of SD in an integrated bottom-up approach to understand the implications for economy, energy trajectories, emissions and costs

Economics of Fast Breeder Reactors in the Indian Scenario

Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) are expected to play a major role in India’s power program and help utilise the country’s large thorium (Th) reserves It is important to examine in detail all issues including economics, safety, and security In this study, we have evaluated the economics of electricity from FBRs We propose to examine safety and security aspects in a future work This report also compares the cost of electricity from PFBR with other sources including PHWRs

Affordable Housing in Urban India

This policy briefs about the problems in urban areas and proposes solutions some highlights are here: Problem Highlight:
• 65 million Indians live in slums or substandard housing
• Prohibitive costs of private housing projects make them unaffordable
Proposed Solutions:
• Bank loans for purchasing land for affordable housing
• Reduce land costs through higher FSI/FAR provision
• Lower registration charges
• Shorter approval cycle

India's Quest for Energy Security

There are no easy answers to India's quest for energy security with environmental sustainability. The electric power sector appears to be more  manageable, given India's thrust in nuclear power. The coming decades might see large additions in nuclear power generation capacity without
significantly increasing the CO2 emissions. The Indo-US nuclear agreement provides an opportunity to import LWRs and gives India time to commercialize the FBR and thorium-based reactors. At the same time, it will help to reduce India's dependence on coal to some extent.

Scoping technology options for India’s oil security: Part II – Coal to liquids and bio-diesel

India's diesel consumption is several times that of petrol In this article, we examine two options for meeting India's diesel demand: coal to liquids and bio-diesel Coal gasification, followed by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis offers an opportunity for large-scale production of diesel as proven by South Africa, and now being attempted by China and Qatar. India could consider this option given its large coal reserves.

Harnessing Solar Energy: Options for India

The overall goal of the off-grid guidelines of the JNNSM is to achieve wider dissemination of solar
technology, and a generous capital subsidy of up to 90% is offered for rural applications Even so,
there are several bottlenecks to large-scale dissemination Primarily, the techno-economics,
financing and institutional mechanisms of several solar applications are not well understood
Therefore, these form a focus of this study In addition, this study looks at the Government of India’s