Grid-Tied Mini-Grids in India

Mini-grids can play a pivotal role in achieving these targets, by providing decentralised power to remote areas, using RE. They can help invigorate the socio-economic status of rural societies by generating employment and improving the quality of life through energy access. Mini-grids also help reduce the government’s expenditure on high capital investments, which would be required for expanding the central grid for last-mile energy supply.

Techno-Economic Feasibility of Grid-Tied Solar Mini-Grids

The cumulative number of households waiting for power supply is close to 4 crore. Majority of electrified villages have huge demand-supply gap and access to power is unreliable or of low quality. In many rural areas, electricity is barely available for economic use and development. Grid-tied renewable powered mini-grids can help improve reliability and augment supply to the central grid effectively.