It is crucial that we adopt and transition to deep decarbonising technologies in order to move towards climate resilient and low carbon-emission pathways. At CSTEP, our focus is on identifying and assessing the viability of implementing technology solutions, preparing greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and State Action Plans for Climate Change (SAPCC), and designing monitoring and evaluating frameworks for mitigation action. 

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Technology and Financing
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Technology Assessment
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Technology Assessment
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Compilation of Input-Output Table and Social Accounting Matrix for India

CSTEP aims to contribute to India's macroeconomic database of Input-Output Tables (IOTs) and Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) by compiling matrices for an updated base year. These comprise uniquely detailed databases, useful to practitioners and policy makers alike. This paper also develops a methodology for compiling satellite accounts, namely, an investment matrix. Such extensive databases are useful for understanding complex inter-relationships within and among economies.