Nuclear Power in India: The road ahead
India's growing economy requires an adequate supply of energy. As per several estimates, India’s installed electric power generation would have to increase to 650,000 - 950,000 MW by 2030 to sustain economic growth of 8% - 9%. India can thus ill afford to disregard any energy source and nuclear energy is an important source of long‐term energy security.
Civil Nuclear Liability Bill
With a growing nuclear power programme, it is essential for India to enact a legislation which covers all aspects of civil liability in a transparent manner In the unlikely event of an accident, the operator liability is absolute in international practice. This ensures timely availability and disbursement of compensation to the victims. Bearing in mind that the major accidents in the past were mainly due to gross error on the part of operations personnel, there should be a renewed emphasis on operators’ education and training.
Converging Nuclear Energy Programs
Ch 11: Converging Nuclear Energy Programs in 'The India-China Nuclear Crossroads'.This book imbibes the views of nuclear energy programmes in India and China.