Sujaya Rathi

Technology Options for Faecal Sludge Management in Developing Countries: Benefits and Revenue from Reuse

This article provides technology options for the treatment of Faecal Sludge (FS) in developing countries to minimise exposure to FS and assesses its benefits along with possible revenue generation from reuse. FS that is collected from septic tanks poses management challenges in urban areas of developing countries. Currently, FS is dumped into the urban and peri-urban environment, posing great risks to the soil, surface water and groundwater quality.

Creating Inclusive Cities: A Review of Indicators for Measuring Sustainability for Urban Infrastructure in India

Measuring progress towards the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) will substantially depend on how countries are performing in the implementation of targets under the goals. One of the key challenges lies in designing sustainability indicators. For developing countries like India, the challenge is even more complex, given the continuous tension between quality of life aspirations and commitments towards sustainable development pathways.