Shrimoyee Bhattacharya

Data Visualisation: On Think Tanks

Increasing urbanisation and per capita GDDP:
Karnataka is one of the most urbanised states in India; 39% of the state consists of urban areas whereas the national urban area  average is 31%. Karnataka is expected to be 50% urbanised by 2026, and that would mean 33 million people to be accommodated
in the cities of Karnataka. Urbanisation and GDDP (Gross Domestic District Product) follow similar trends in growth. As the GDDP in the state has been growing, so has urbanisation. This relationship, however, also highlights the growing inter-regional disparity in economic

Building Smart Cities in India: An opportunity for strategising urban development

Problem highlights:
Lack of clarity on smart city concept in the Indian context
Increasing intra and inter-regional disparity despite increasing urbanisation
Urban development strategies not effectively integrated with overall national/ state development agenda
Proposed solutions:
Constitute smart city working group at state and city level including all stakeholder representatives
Select pilot cities to achieve spatial inclusiveness and create exemplars for best practices

Creating Sustainable Urban Systems: Need for Redesigning Indicators for Urban Infrastructure and Services

The process of infrastructure project determination is often inadequate leading to outcomes that do not address the intended purpose and/or have unintended consequences. As the world and India commit towards charting a more sustainable development path, there is a need to take a ‘ relook’ at the outcomes of a project from a ‘sustainability’ perspective. This paper presents a framework which elaborates on key sustainable development principles in the context of urban development.

Urban Observatories: A kaleidoscope for cities

Can the application of data science and technology make the urban planning process more responsive to the changing patterns of spatial activity? Largely, yes. What the process needs is the continuous collection and analysis of appropriate urban data that can be envisaged spatially and analysed to obtain various possible types of correlation.

Creating Inclusive Cities: A Review of Indicators for Measuring Sustainability for Urban Infrastructure in India

Measuring progress towards the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) will substantially depend on how countries are performing in the implementation of targets under the goals. One of the key challenges lies in designing sustainability indicators. For developing countries like India, the challenge is even more complex, given the continuous tension between quality of life aspirations and commitments towards sustainable development pathways.