Mohd Sahil Ali

Sustainable Access for All: Building Sustainability into Universal Energy Access

This paper investigates whether the goal of universal energy access in the post-MDGs dialogue sufficiently addresses the challenges faced by the Southern countries. Though access to energy is an important precondition for development and resilience to socio-economic and climate variability and change, about 1.7 million people lack access to electricity. Hence, the post-MDGs dialogue mandates attention to energy poverty reduction. A critical review of literature on the dialogue was conducted to analyse gaps in the current conceptualisation of the goal.

A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy: An Interim Report

As a large developing country, India’s challenge is to meet its development aspirations in a carbon-constrained world This study, undertaken by the Centre for Study of Science Technology and Policy (CSTEP) uses Sustainable Development (SD) as the overarching framework and aims at equitable access to energy, clean air and water, food, health and livelihoods and economic growth The study connects elements of SD in an integrated bottom-up approach to understand the implications for economy, energy trajectories, emissions and costs

Incentivising Domestic Manufacturing for a Sustainable Solar Industry

After Finance Ministry’s (MoF) decision to reject Commerce Ministry’s (MoC) proposal of anti-dumping duties (ADD) in late August, solar developers heaved a big sigh of relief In this article, we review the controversy generated by the proposal for ADD in the light of existing evidence and future outlook for the solar photovoltaic (SPV) industry. We find that the popular narrative took a myopic view of the SPV industry. This was exhibited by overstating the negative impact of ADD and vice-versa, and the general buoyancy around the MoF decision, as reported in the news.

Quality of life for all: A sustainable development framework for India's climate policy

This study placed improving quality of life at the centre of India's national climate policy and asked what happens to greenhouse gas emissions with such an approach. Using bottom-up scenario analyses, the sectoral interventions modelled in this research demonstrate that it is possible to get close to achieving the country's climate targets while improving quality of life at the same time. 

Construction and Demolition Waste Utilisation for Recycled Products in Bengaluru: Challenges and Prospects

The study aims to contribute towards creating an ecosystem of CDW recycling in Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore). The analysis explores the status and future outlook of CDW generation and disposal in the city through a combination of literature review, site visits and primary surveys. It reviews the policy landscape and regulations around CDW management and disposal formulated by the municipal authorities.