Meera Sudhakar
Converging Nuclear Energy Programs
Ch 11: Converging Nuclear Energy Programs in 'The India-China Nuclear Crossroads'.This book imbibes the views of nuclear energy programmes in India and China.
Resource Variations and Resultant Tariffs for On-shore Wind potential in Karnataka
This paper aims to inform the tariff setting process for wind resource in Karnataka, so that investments in wind infrastructure can be incentivized taking into consideration resource variations. This work presents a range of levelized tariffs for the on-shore wind potential of the state. The range is a result of the variation in capacity utilization factors estimated for various classes of Wind Power Density (WPD) in the state, for waste and scrub forest land categories, at 80 m and 100 m hub heights.
Wind Power in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh - Potential Assessment, Costs, and Grid Implications
Till recently, the on-shore wind power potential in India was officially estimated to be 49 GW, out of which 17 GW forms part of the country’s mainstream energy mix. However, recent studies have indicated this potential to be underestimated. A few studies have estimated wind potential in India to be over 2000 GW and the official wind resource potential was recently revised to 102 GW by the Center for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), at 80 m hub height.
RE-Energising Karnataka: An Assessment of Renewable Energy Policies, Challenges and Opportunities
In this context, the main objective of this study is to critically examine the state’s RE policy to find gaps and implementation challenges specific to Karnataka The primary audience of this study are the state legislators and policymakers The methodology involved detailed stakeholder consultation with RE developers, the state nodal agency, the state electricity regulator and other government agencies involved in rural electrification through questionnaires and interviews in order to identify specific measures to address existing barriers to the growth of RE in the state The study identifie
Quality of Life for All: A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy - Technical Report
Quality of Life for All: A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy