Storage Options and Materials for Renewable Applications
A presentation on storage options and materials for renewable energy applications
Rare Earths Recovery from Secondary Resources: Opportunities, Challenges and Environmental impacts
Rare earths are not as rare as the name suggests, they are relatively abundant in the earth`s crust,
but their concentration is less in ore deposits, in particular heavy rare earths. Commercially,
REEs are extracted from the bastnasite, monazite and xenotime ores. The extraction of REEs
from mineral ore (primary source) is a complicated multi step process with a huge amount of
toxic wa ste released during the processes. The recovery of REEs from secondary sources such
Intelligent Transport System
An approach towards an intelligent transportation system
Artificial Intelligence for Nutrition: The ICDS Programme
CSTEP's attempt at an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) based approach towards health and nutrition.
Economics of Fast Breeder Reactors in the Indian Scenario
Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) are expected to play a major role in India’s power program and help utilise the country’s large thorium (Th) reserves It is important to examine in detail all issues including economics, safety, and security In this study, we have evaluated the economics of electricity from FBRs We propose to examine safety and security aspects in a future work This report also compares the cost of electricity from PFBR with other sources including PHWRs
Decision making for upgradation of transport infrastructure
This paper was presented as part of the High Speed Rail Symposium Conference, 2013.
Comparative analysis of electrochemical properties of LiMO2, LiMSiO4 and LiMPO4 (M=Fe, Co and Mn): A first principles study
Polyanion based cathode materials are most promising candidates for lithium ion batteries due to low cost, safety, environmental friendliness, etc. We performed first principles based DFT calculations to understand the stability, charge transfer mechanism and electrochemical performance of olivine phosphates, silicates and its comparison with the transition metal layered oxides based cathode materials. We have computed the changes in oxidation states using Bader method of topological analysis and charge re-distribution by analysis of partial density of electronic states.
A microscopic view of ion solvation in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolyte solutions from molecular dynamics simulations
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to understand the ionic association and its effect on the structure and dynamics of ion solvation shell in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolyte solutions (water and methanol). The simulation results show that the probability of ion pairing depends on the interplay between ion-solvent interactions on the one hand, and Coulomb forces between ion and its counter-ion on the other hand.
Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies: India
Ch 5: India in 'Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies' (The Urban Book Series).
The Global Energy Landscape and Energy Security
Ch 2: The Global Energy Landscape and Energy Security in 'Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability'