Transitioning towards a Green Economy in Karnataka
Transitioning towards a Green Economy in Karnataka.This report focused on agriculture, buildings, industries, transport, and power supply – sectors that account for all the state’s energy requirement and over 70% of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
Feasibility Analysis for c-Si PV Manufacturing in India
India has set a target of deploying 100 GW solar power by 2022. Solar installations in the country primarily use Photovoltaic (PV) technology. It is estimated that 339-395 GW of solar PV will be deployed by 2040. At present, the domestic cell and module manufacturing capacities stand at approximately 3.2 GW and 8.4 GW, respectively. However, the existing manufacturing capacities are underutilised.
Compilation of Input-Output Table and Social Accounting Matrix for India
CSTEP aims to contribute to India's macroeconomic database of Input-Output Tables (IOTs) and Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) by compiling matrices for an updated base year. These comprise uniquely detailed databases, useful to practitioners and policy makers alike. This paper also develops a methodology for compiling satellite accounts, namely, an investment matrix. Such extensive databases are useful for understanding complex inter-relationships within and among economies.
Techno-Economic Analysis of Stand-alone Solar PV and Battery-based Micro-grids in Karnataka
Access to electricity can bring about a transformative change in the economic conditions and growth of any country. Decentralised solar energy solutions like solar lanterns, solar home lighting systems, rooftop Photovoltaic (PV) systems, and solar micro-grids and mini-grids have been in use for quite some time. In this study, for select sites considered in Karnataka, we analysed the feasibility of Solar PV Micro Grids (SPVMGs), considering its potential as a promising solution for electrifying rural homes and villages.
Strategic Roadmap for Implementation of UDAY Scheme
Strategic Roadmap for Implementation of UDAY Scheme
Techno-Economic Assessment of a Low-Temperature Solar Organic Rankine Cycle System
For the last couple of years, photovoltaics (PV) has been the preferred choice of technology for harnessing solar energy against Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). The major issue bogging down CSP is that it is not economical as compared to PV. Emerging technologies such as s-CO2 and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) could be the saviour for CSP going forward. To understand the techno-economics of a solar-ORC system, CSTEP and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), under SERIIUS project, worked together in assessing a low-temperature solar ORC system for off-grid applications.
Scenarios: Shaping India's Future
India’s future depends on how we approach three ‘mutually-reinforcing’ aspects: (i) inclusion, (ii) governance and (iii) models for efficient use of natural resources: water, land, and energy.
Roadmap for Achieving India's NDC Pledge
Roadmap for Achieving India’s NDC Pledge
Review of Urban Transport in India
This paper reviews the past trends, the current situation the measures taken so far in the National Urban Transport Policy.
Reconceptualising Smart Cities: A Reference Framework for India Compendium of Resources
Reconceptualising Smart Cities: A Reference Framework for India Compendium of Resources