
CSTEP’s storage programme has two verticals: 1) techno-economic analysis of various storage systems along with policy aspects, and 2) research and development (R&D) of novel electrode and electrolyte materials for state-of-the-art and emerging battery systems using computer simulation techniques. 
The activities pertaining to techno-economic analyses include storage sizing for renewable applications, prioritisation of storage options for various applications relating to clean energy and transport, feasibility analyses of indegenisation of select battery systems, etc. 


Energy access is a well-proven determinant in several development and transformative sectors, such as education, primary health, gender empowerment, and quality of life. In India, providing access to affordable electricity to every household has been a challenge, especially in remote rural areas. Both the central and state governments have accorded high priority to last-mile electrification, with one such instance being the Saubhagya scheme aiming for 100% household electrification.

Research Tools

CSTEP’s core competence lies in developing and applying modelling and simulation tools for policy analysis and research. CSTEP develops computational, visualisation and methodological tools for examining potential solutions to complex policy problems. 

These tools are developed with an India-specific focus to aid in performing broad cross-sectoral analyses. It blends the rigour of process engineering models along with India-specific financial models to assist a wide host of stakeholders such as researchers, policymakers and investors. 

Materials and Storage

CSTEP’s Materials and Storage programme focuses on the policy aspects of various storage options and simulation studies of emerging battery systems. We also work in topics such as electric vehicles and mini-grids, where ‘storage’ plays a crucial role for successful implementation of programmes.

Air Pollution

CSTEP’s vision for the Air Pollution domain is to be the sought-after centre for providing evidence backed implementable measures for better air quality. We are working towards building scientific evidence for informed decision making in this sector.