Implementation Plan for Electrification of Public Bus Transport in Bengaluru
In 2017, Karnataka became the first Indian state to announce an EV Policy. In this project, CSTEP identified key barriers in large-scale EV penetration, towards preparing a long-term implementation plan for public electric bus (e-bus) transportation for Bengaluru.
Economics of fast breeder reactors Indian Scenario
Economics of fast breeder reactors Indian Scenario
Study of the potential for deepening the coverage of Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT)
The study is an attempt to identify if more industrial manufacturing units could be added to the existing list of sectors leading to PAT 'deepening'. This study aimed to explore the possibility of deepening the scope of energy savings by introducing more industrial units into PAT from within the existing cement, fertilizer, iron and steel, textile, pulp and paper and Chlor-Alkali sectors. It concludes that there are a large number of small-scale units which do not fall under the PAT criteria of notifying as DC.
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in South Asia
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in South Asia.
Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 A Primer for the British Nuclear Industries
Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 A Primer for the British Nuclear Industries.This report aims to provide an analysis of the Indian Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act (CLNDA), 2010 (Refer Annex 1) and its impact on the UK nuclear industries. In this context, a visit to UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) meeting held in London in January 2014 helped in getting to understand the concerns of some of the industries. It also revealed that certain gaps existed in the understanding of the act due to lack of clarity.
Benefit Cost Analysis of Emission Standards for Coal-based Thermal Power Plants in India
In December 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notified emission standards for limiting sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and mercury emissions in coal-based thermal power plants. As of December 2017 (the deadline for meeting these standards), compliance was poor. Further, other government departments under the Ministry of Power (MoP) are mulling over a delay in implementation of these standards. In this context, this study evaluated the benefits and costs associated with the implementation of these emission standards.
Transition to All-Electric Public Transportation: Energy Resource Assessment
Large-scale penetration of EV comes with a plethora of sectoral planning challenges and will require coordinated planning between the transport, urban planning and power sectors. This report examines the charging energy requirement in order to transition to an all electric transportation sector (4-wheelers and buses), by 2030.
Quality of Life for All: A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy (Interim Report)
A Sustainable Development Framework for India's Climate Policy (Interim Report).
A Study of Energy Efficiency in the Indian Iron and Steel Industry
A Study of Energy Efficiency in the Indian Iron and Steel Industry
24x7 Power for All: Strategies for Karnataka
24x7 Power for All: Strategies for Karnataka .