How Green Hydrogen Policy Can Lead to India's Energy Import Independence

India has set ambitious medium- and long-term renewable energy targets to counteract the adverse effects of climate change, one of them being the commitment to increase the share of its renewable power capacity to 50% by 2030.

To summarise, it will take more than a shiny day and a multitude of arrayed solar panels for India to be energy-independent without compromising on the quality of life.

Supporting the Implementation of PM KUSUM in Karnataka

The Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) with support from Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation organised a virtual closed-door round-table discussion on 8 December 2022 to support stakeholders in identifying challenges and the technical analysis needed for the smooth roll-out of the PM-KUSUM scheme in Karnataka.


Potential of India's Virtual Power Purchase Agreements

In line with last year’s commitment to achieving net zero by 2070, India, at its pavilion at the 27th session of the Conference of Parties or COP27 is talking about a climate-friendly, sustainable lifestyle. As renewable energy (RE) plays a huge role in cutting down GHG emissions, the country has already pledged to have 500 GW of non-fossil-fuel-based capacity by 2030.

Inter-versus Intracity Variations in the Performance and Calibration of Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors: A Multicity Assessment in India

Low-cost sensors (LCSs) have revolutionized the air pollution monitoring landscape. However, the sensitivities of particulate matter (PM) LCS measurements to various particle microphysical properties and meteorological aspects warrant an accuracy investigation. We investigated the inter- and intracity variations in the accuracy of LCS-measured PM2.5 across geographically and demographically distinct Indian cities.

Towards a Policy Framework for Financing Future Loss and Damage

The inclusion of loss and damage (L&D) to the COP27 agenda is a positive first step in achieving climate justice. While vulnerable nations have been fighting for its inclusion into global discourses for decades, the recent climate-induced disasters across the world, especially in Pakistan, have played a pivotal role in its induction.

India's latest National Electricity Plan is ambitious and in line with climate commitments

At the ongoing United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP27, India released its long-term low-carbon development strategies. Low-carbon development of India’s electricity systems is crucial because the power sector accounts for 45% of the country’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (based on emission estimates published by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change). The power sector is a key driver for decarbonising nearly all major energy-intensive sectors as it enables the shift to renewable energy-based electricity from the current fossil fuel–based processes.

Tackling technology transfer

Call for action on climate finance, international technology transfer, and capacity building is India’s central agenda at COP 27 and has been our focus at past COPs as well. So far, there is some information and discussion and certain action points on climate finance; however, there is little clarity with respect to technology transfer mechanisms and capacity building.

Can Solid-State Batteries Eventually Replace Lithium-ion in EVs

The ongoing transition from fossil fuel to green fuel is a giant step that every country is willing to take irrespective of its challenges—in a bid to achieve the net-zero emissions goals by 2050. Large-scale electric vehicle (EV) adoption is one of the ways of achieving these ambitious goals. However, the challenges associated with conventional lithium-ion battery (LiB) technology—a key component of EVs— threaten to slow down the adoption of EVs at a mass level.